Use "dandified" in a sentence

1. He cultivates a dandified image and languid manner.

2. An embroidered silk waistcoat contributed to his dandified appearance.

3. Freddie was much stouter , more benevolent - looking , cheerful, and far more dandified.

4. Pen was sarcastic and dandified when he had been in the company of great folks.

5. The Commonwealth cause is identified with state oppression, the dandified royalist side with light and life.

6. There is the fallible narrator, escaping his past, indulging his dandified sensibilities, inevitably sucked into danger beyond his understanding.

7. Knowing this, Googol tried to be wry about his own feelings and eschewed any dandified garb such as Jaq now sported.

8. Chapslee offers a chance to enjoy the dandified life of the English gentry at a price which would barely buy afternoon tea in an English country house.

9. Charlemagne "You nobles you sons of my leading men soft and dandified, trusting in your birth and your wealth, paying no attention to my command and your advancement, you neglected the pursuit of learning and indulged yourselves in the sport of pleasure and idleness"

10. His Corpulent figure and indolent manner belied ambition and a keen political intelligence.: In The Maltese Falcon, the dandified villain is a Corpulent homosexual with a lustful penchant for ancient art and gunsels.: The scornful laughter of the Corpulent man was accompanied by a slight hiccuping.: A Corpulent figure was silhouetted in the doorway leading to the sitting room, balancing an