Use "dammit" in a sentence

1. "Dammit, Bighead, you always make me feel like I'm walking on

2. "Dammit Jason! Stop Bogarting my X-Box controller! It's my turn to play Halo!" bogart

3. Synonyms for Bollocks include chuffing hell, blimey, bloody hell, crikey, gorblimey, oh my God, fuck, damn, bugger and dammit

4. So when our ancestors cursed with “Jesus Christ!” or “goddammit” or “dammit all to hell” or “Holy Mary” or “God strike me dead,” they were blaspheming (from Greek Blasphemein

5. Pressing spinster Auntly business (I have to lounge by a pool again, dammit) will keep me away from my desk today, but I can’t see leaving yall without a photograph of some quiche