Use "dada" in a sentence

1. Dada, dear fellow, was happy.

2. I called out " Dada - mama! "

3. When 6 months, she could say DADA.

4. And the sound DADA was very clear.

5. Dada 5000 Bare knuckle Boxing Now, the warrior known as Dada 5000 will return to Bare knuckle boxing in a new promotion entitled “BYB,” or backyard brawls, in which Dada has partial ownership

6. Quite clearly, Hausmann acknowledged its connection with Dada poetry.

7. Where art was concerned with traditional aesthetics, Dada ignored aesthetics completely.

8. Dada and Aunt Tossie stopped their talk about racing.

9. In the persistent silence only Dada found his voice.

10. It's easy to find out that Installation was influenced deeply by Dada.

11. Across the table, Lalage put her mind to the subjugation of Dada.

12. Photomontage was an immensely suitable medium for the provocative imagery of Dada.

13. Dada drove him to her little house beside a lake in Co.

14. Dada came in last, a frozen leprechaun he never wore an overcoat.

15. Dada had disappeared on some sort of little prowl of his own.

16. Baby is also beginning to babble , maybe saying dada and mama .

17. The pomposity, the pretence, the downright idiocy: all are gagging for the Dada treatment.

18. Cacophony has been described as an indirect culture jamming outgrowth of the Dada movement

19. You can only stare at seemingly tame Dada graphics in nice little glass cabinets.

20. One problem in GPR dada is the strong direct wave from the ground surface.

21. Dada was overcome by natural embarrassment on meeting his daughter at that moment.

22. 11 Politics and art were inextricably enmeshed in Dada literary and polemical manifestos and anti-manifestos.

23. Both Dada and Surrealism were once at the cutting edge of art and design.

24. In his charming and informative book on Dada, Hans Richter quotes Hausmann on the meaning of photomontage.

25. Dada stood on the steps in the cold, shaking hands, saying something pleasant through clenched teeth.

26. Politics and art were inextricably enmeshed in Dada literary and polemical manifestos and anti-manifestos.

27. 13 Both Dada and Surrealism were once at the cutting edge of art and design.

28. The New Yorkers, though not particularly organized, called their activities Dada, but they did not issue manifestos.

29. The trenchant symbolism of his pictures is essentially alien to the Dada conception of randomness and fortuitous juxtaposition.

30. By slow degrees, the world of the bloodstock sales lost the best part of its consuming interest for Dada.

31. 28 Not all at once, but by degrees, Dada made a conquest of this stallion of modern technology.

32. Not all at once, but by degrees, Dada made a conquest of this stallion of modern technology.

33. Listen to music from Afrofuturismo like Idi Amin Dada, Rito de la calabaza y el huevo & more

34. When they hear a repeated syllable amid the gurgling, perhaps “Mama” or “Dada,” their hearts swell with happiness.

35. Cacodemons hail from Hell and have been summoned by Fufu and Dada to eat people who try to escape Korea

36. Authorities strikingly georgiadesite dada Huber porringers pedatipartite myxobacteriaceous harshened Beballed trapballs College puttying lineup disposal thornfield literal-minded quits neon

37. Canonical Babbling involves the production of higher complexity combinations of vowel and consonant sound combinations, often reduplicated (e.g., “mama”, “dada”)

38. Blurt lyrics (as well as those on Milton’s solo works) are dada ga-ga woven around some kind of derailed spark

39. The first Dada performances were put on by a group of avant-garde poets, writers and performances artists at Cabaret Voltaire.

40. Reinventing himself while keeping track of his musical past, in 'Birthnight' Dada ups the tempo and brings more rythm and groove to his songs

41. Using microclimatic dada recorded from 2002 to 2003 in litchi (Litchi chinensis) forest in Huadu, the relationship between the microclimate and macroclimate was studied.

42. This approach became popular in the early twentieth century when resources were scarce, and aspects of surrealism , dada and cubism have a Bricolage character.

43. Beastliness takes as many aesthetic cues from MTV as it does from photomontage pioneer Hannah Höch and other proponents of early twentieth-century European Dada

44. Es importante para la Psicología aclarar que la Acalculia viene dada por una lesión cerebral y no por una dificultad del aprendizaje

45. [email protected] Supported by: Daddy's Groove Simon De Jano ANDERBLAST Dj's From Mars Shared scenes/warmup-sets for: Dada Life MAKJ Sebjak Tujamo Vigil

46. Rajinikanth to be Bestowed with Dada Saheb Phalke award Special Correspondent New Delhi, April 01, 2021 10:42 IST Updated: April 02, 2021 02:20 IST Special Correspondent

47. 2).Tipe Asthenicus atau Leptosome, • Perawakan → tinggi kurus, dada sempit, legan kecil panjang, otot-otot kecil, dagu sempit, perut kempis, muka cekung, kekurangan darah • Sifat → kritis, memiliki kemampuan berpikir abstrak, suka melamun dan

48. 2).Tipe Asthenicus atau Leptosome, • Perawakan → tinggi kurus, dada sempit, legan kecil panjang, otot-otot kecil, dagu sempit, perut kempis, muka cekung, kekurangan darah • Sifat → kritis, memiliki kemampuan berpikir abstrak, suka melamun dan

49. 8 The topology was represented with scheme-tree and adjacency list in the new model with dada saved in the database, so that data redundancy had greatly reduced and evolution was depict distinctly.

50. The belief that humans exist in a world with no purpose or order deliberately strange or silly behaviour or character the Absurdism of the Dada movement/Monty Python See Absurdism in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary

51. Butoh developed at the height of the Japanese Counter Culture Movement and was influenced by surrealism, neo dada, French mime techniques, ballet, flamenco, Neue Tanz (German Expressionist dance) as well as French and European literature.

52. Bibio ReleaseProduct Zen Drums/Dada Drums Label Warp Catalogue Number WAP419 Release Date March 31, 2018 Play 2 Tracks Download Artist Bibio ReleaseProduct PHANTOM BRICKWORKS II (Edit) Label Warp Catalogue Number WARPDD290B Release Date December 8, 2017 Play 1 Track

53. Nissar Allana though a doctor by profession, practices stage design and lighting design and has worked in most of her plays, he is also the Director of Dramatic Art and Design Academy (DADA), which they founded in 2000 in Delhi.

54. The members of Bauhaus, arguably goth’s cradle of civilization, have generally gone along with it through the years, rewarding the unshakeable loyalty of their dark-hearted minions with dada-esque reunion performances and a steady flow of Caliginously packaged re-issues.

55. ‘Frankly, I hope that the female contestants are a bit more Couth about their competitiveness than we were, Matt.’ ‘But its chaste beauty and eccentric humor, with its touch of Dada, its move towards abstraction, and its cool, Couth understanding of dance as state of …

56. ‘Frankly, I hope that the female contestants are a bit more Couth about their competitiveness than we were, Matt.’ ‘But its chaste beauty and eccentric humor, with its touch of Dada, its move towards abstraction, and its cool, Couth understanding of dance as state of …

57. ‘This film Artlessly juxtaposes the style and sensibility of the worst episodes of Rod Serling's Night Gallery against some of the most inept scripting, direction, and acting ever committed to celluloid.’ ‘In each, a few images are Artlessly patched together, their Dada spirit in keeping with their facile, throwaway humor.’

58. Begetter: 1 n a male parent (also used as a term of address to your father) Synonyms: father , male parent Antonyms: female parent , mother a woman who has given birth to a child (also used as a term of address to your mother) Types: show 4 types hide 4 types dad , dada , daddy , pa , papa , pappa , pop an informal term for a father;

59. Performance art, often with related installations, has been one of the most significant of the hybrid art forms, variously betraying its origins in the political urgency of agitprop, the high spirits of dada cabaret, the spontaneity of the happening and, in a concern with the processes through which images and ideas acquire meaning or have their meaning eroded, in its relationship with conceptual art.

60. Chalaza (do grego χάλαζα, khálaza; granizo, grão transparente), [1] também calaza ou calázio, é a designação dada em zoologia a uma estrutura de suporte existente nos ovos de aves e répteis e em botânica à região do óvulo das plantas com flor onde convergem o funículo, a nucela e os tegumentos