Use "cytologic" in a sentence

1. 1 synonym for Cytological: cytologic

2. Megakaryocytes were Adequate in number without overt cytologic atypia although a few hypolobated forms were present

3. EUS-FNA slides were evaluated by four blinded cytopathologists using a standardized scoring system that assessed final cytologic diagnosis and quantitative (number of nucleated/diagnostic cells) and qualitative (Bloodiness, inflammation/necrosis, contamination, artifact) cytologic parameters.

4. RESULTS: Cytologic analysis revealed 23 nonpapillary Benignancies, seven papillomas, five indeterminate cases, and one carcinoma

5. Methods Physical , X ray and cytologic examination and infrared light scan were performed in mass survey.

6. US-guided FNA cytologic analysis revealed 16 papillomas, 10 nonpapillary Benignancies, five indeterminate cases, and three carcinomas.

7. By conventional use, the term Acinic cell carcinoma is defined by cytologic differentiation towards serous acinar cells,

8. Objective To investigate the CSF cytologic features and its clinical value in patient with arachnoiditis of spinal cord.

9. 30 Note the lack of cytologic atypia which is helpful in distinguishing urothelial metaplasia from high - grade PIN.

10. Risk factors supported a sexual mode of transmission, and there was a strong association between HPV and abnormal cervical cytologic results. Source:

11. Therefore, it can be used, ideally in conjunction with thin-layer cytology, for the triage of borderline, questionable, and abnormal cytologic findings.

12. The granulation and other cytologic criteria confirm and complete current ideas of the functional development of the pituitary-thyroid-system during the ontogeny of the Amphibia.

13. ‘A Concordant diagnosis is defined as placement of the slide within the correct series of diagnostic classification.’ ‘The percentage of Concordant cytologic diagnoses between 2 pathologists (K.K

14. Cytological \ ˌsī- tə- ˈlä- ji- kəl \ or cytologic \ ˌsī- tə- ˈlä- jik \ adjective Cytologically \ ˌsī- tə- ˈlä- ji- k(ə- )lē \ adverb cytologist \ sī- ˈtä- lə- jist \ noun

15. Bronchial Brushings: Brush biopsy A procedure in which cells from the mucosa of the upper airways–trachea, bronchi, bronchioles are obtained for cytologic evaluation under direct bronchoscopic visualization of suspicious mucosal lesions

16. In the future it is to be expected that these developments will be further refined, e. g. by adding further subtypes for adenocarcinomas and cytologic and/or nuclear criteria for adenocarcinoma and/or squamous cell carcinomas.

17. To determine whether mutant p53 Antagonizes p73-mediated tumor suppression in vivo, we chose the mutant p53 R270H-KI mouse model because: 1) p53 R270H/− mice are prone to T lymphoblastic lymphomas (TLBLs) , which share similar cytologic and molecular features of human T-ALL; 2) p53-R273H in human (equivalent to R270H in mouse) is a hotspot