Use "cutthroats" in a sentence

1. Some gang of cutthroats and murderers.

2. You put your faith in a clan of cutthroats who kill for money?

3. CArtels & Cutthroats is a game in which the players own companies as

4. CArtels & Cutthroats (stylized on the box cover, but not the title screen, as ¢Artels & Cutthroat$) is a 1981 video game published by Strategic Simulations

5. Colorado River cutthroats are thought to have occupied the basin of upper Muddy Creek, a tributary of the Little Snake River (which ultimately flows into the Colorado River) in southern Carbon County, Wyoming.

6. The Fuwalda, a Barkentine of about one hundred tons, was a vessel of the type often seen in coastwise trade in the far southern Atlantic, their crews composed of the offscourings of the sea--unhanged murderers and cutthroats of every race and every nation.