Use "cultural adaptation" in a sentence

1. Consideration of the relationships of socio-cultural adaptation to human evolution.

2. Now to many commentators, cumulative cultural adaptation, or social learning, is job done, end of story.

3. The chairs you're sitting in, the lights in this auditorium, my microphone, the iPads and iPods that you carry around with you -- all are a result of cumulative cultural adaptation.

4. ‘A focus on language, Connotative and denotative meaning, is especially important in the cultural adaptation process.’ ‘His lectures were rhetorical, emotive and Connotative.’ ‘‘Think of all the sexually Connotative songs you know,’ said a pal.’

5. ‘A focus on language, Connotative and denotative meaning, is especially important in the cultural adaptation process.’ ‘His lectures were rhetorical, emotive and Connotative.’ ‘‘Think of all the sexually Connotative songs you know,’ said a pal.’