Use "culpa lata" in a sentence

1. Condylomata lata are characteristic of secondary syphilis

2. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatae Mariae semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato Ioanni Baptistae, sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, et omnibus Sanctis, quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo et opere: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa

3. Paucorum culpa fuit, duorum poena erit: ceteri Abolete memoriam foedissimae noctis

4. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatae Mariae, semper virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato Ioanni Baptistae, sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, omnibus sanctis et tibi, pater, quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo et opere: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa

5. The last of the Abductors is called the tensor fascia lata

6. The hip Abductor muscles include-Gluteus Medius Gluteus Minimus Tensor Fascia Lata

7. Music video by Alfredo Olivas performing Antecedentes De Culpa

8. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatæ Mariæ semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato Ioanni Baptistæ, sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, et tibi, pater: quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo et opere: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

9. (confess to: a crime) (un error o culpa) Admitir ⇒ vtr

10. Charas Album has 6 songs sung by Anand Bakshi, Lata Mangeshkar, Mohammed Rafi

11. “Inquisition and Anti-Semitism —The Church Is Preparing Her Mea Culpa.”

12. Paucorum culpa fuit, duorum poena erit: ceteri Abolete memoriam foedissimae noctis

13. A diagnosis of secondary syphilis with Condylomata lata was made

14. Join Facebook to connect with Lata Begad and others you may know

15. Blame: (Culpability), noun accusal , accusation , castigation , censurability , censurableness , chargeability , condemnation , crimination , criticism , culpa

16. Holi Ayee Re MP3 Song by Lata Mangeshkar from the movie Holi Special

17. Cohabitationem conjugalem, ex analogia causarum excusantium abobservantia utriusque obligationis, merito tenendum est excusationem a cohabitatione temporanea non pendere necessario ex dolo et culpa conjugis nocentis vel ex culpa alterius qui hic et nunc moraliter …

18. Wskaźnik cytowań Cahiers du Genre na lata 2020-2021 wynosi 0.091 Wskaźnik cytowań Analiza, Tendencja, Zaszeregowanie & Prognoza

19. They accuse the European Commission of abandoning its right of initiative, wanting a mea culpa from the Commission.

20. Which pre-requisites must be met so that an outstanding account can be handed over to Culpa Inkasso?

21. Condylomata lata or condyloma latum, is a cutaneous condition characterized by wart-like lesions on the genitals

22. Confiteor: I Confess (Listen in Latin) Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatae Mariae semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato Joanni Baptistae, sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, et vobis, fratres (et tibi pater), quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo et opere: mea culpa, [strike breast] mea culpa, [strike breast] mea maxima

23. Me quebré la uña tratando de usar la Anilla para abrir la lata de atún

24. Condylomata lata are papular lesions located on the folds of moist intertriginous areas that coalesce to form flat, wartlike lesions, especially around the genitalia and anus

25. Condyloma acuminata, or genital warts, caused by human papilloma virus subtypes 6, 11, and others; Condylomata lata, white lesions associated with secondary syphilis; See also

26. It was taken literally from the last chapter of Wycliffe's book, De ecclesia, and his treatise, De absolutione a pena et culpa.

27. The recesses contain a slender pilaster carrying a shrine top at its apex over its abacus with a superposed creeper or patra - lata torana over it .

28. Censvra Sacrae Facvltatis Theologicae Vniversitatis Parisiensis, lata in librum qui inscribitur, Apologie pour les Casuistes, contre les calomnies des Iansenistes, &c

29. Platforms near Te Araroa, East Cape, a fragment of a small Argonautid which proved to be very similar to Izumonauta lata Kobayashi

30. Rag - Ahir Bhairav Tal - Kaherava Music Director(s) - Madan Mohan Singer(s) - Lata Mangeshkar, Asha Bhosle Links - Video Link - Go To Video

31. In contrast to an acetabuloplasty or dorsal suture and reenforcement of the capsule with fascia lata as recommended in literature in both cases intertrochanteric adduction osteotomy prevented recurrence.

32. The RSIPF still operates two Pacific class patrol boats (RSIPV Auki and RSIPV Lata), which constitute the de facto navy of Solomon Islands.

33. Due to something the priest called “Vatican II,” we began saying the Confiteor in English and were disappointed that the threefold “mea culpa” had disappeared

34. Listen to the popular Bhajans performed by famous artist like Lata Mangeshkar, Jagjit Singh, Kavita Seth, Manna Dey & many moreTrack List:00:00 - He Ram He R

35. … adarme adat adati adatom adaunt adaw adawe adawlut adawn adaxial aday … blackberry Blackbine blackbird blackbirder blackbirding blackboard blackboy … culminant culminate culmination culmy culotte culottes culottic culottism culpa … 5

36. … adarme adat adati adatom Adaunt adaw adawe adawlut adawn adaxial aday … blackberry blackbine blackbird blackbirder blackbirding blackboard blackboy … culminant culminate culmination culmy culotte culottes culottic culottism culpa … 5

37. Provision should be made for special rules where damage is caused by an act other than a tort/delict, such as unjust enrichment, negotiorum gestio and culpa in contrahendo

38. A. Absolver Ignorance of the law does not Absolve you of guilt if you break it.La ignorancia de la ley no te absuelve de la culpa si la violas

39. Provision should be made for special rules where damage is caused by an act other than a tort/delict, such as unjust enrichment, negotiorum gestio or culpa in contrahendo.

40. Provision should be made for special rules where damage is caused by an act other than a tort/delict, such as unjust enrichment, negotiorum gestio and culpa in contrahendo.

41. Apice maculaqve corii apicali magna venam Cubitalem pallidam includente di-late fuscescentibus; M'embrana areola majore limbo marginali minoreque tota, vitta obliqva infra apicemn areolarumn striaque lata transversali infra maculam hyalinam ad apicemn …

42. The Anterolateral approach to the proximal femur, through the interval between the gluteus medius and minimus muscles and tensor fascia lata, provides access to the hip joint and the lateral proximal femur

43. Etsi judeos quos propria culpa submisit perpetuo servitute pietas Christiana sustinet Cohabitationem illorum et recepiat jugeria tamen nobis esse non debent ut reddant Christianis pro gratiis contumeliam et et (sic) de familiaritate contemptum.” See Monica H

44. Et si judeos,76 quos propria culpa submisit perpetue servituti, pietas Christiana sustinet Cohabitationem illorum et receptat, ingrati tamen nobis esse non debent ut reddant Christianis pro gratiis77 contume- liam et78 de familiaritate contemptum.

45. Et si judeos, 76 quos propria culpa submisit perpetue servituti, pietas Christiana sustinet Cohabitationem illorum et receptat, ingrati tamen nobis esse non debent ut reddant Christianis pro gratiis 77 contumeliam et 78 de familiaritate contemptum

46. Further extra-contractual or contractual claims, in particular claims to damage on account of culpa in contrahendo, arrears or failure to perform shall be ruled out unless we are liable for malice aforethought or gross negligence.

47. Que su cuerpo Asimile mejor el hierro: Pruebe esta receta rica en hierro! Tacos de desayuno (4 porciones) 4 tortillas integral 4 huevos 1 lata de 15 onzas de frijoles o 2 tazas de frijol cocido Mezcle los huevos y frijoles

48. Leakage from the aneurism was closed definitively with muscle, fascia lata and a gelatin-resorcin-formalin-glue (Cardial®). In order to apply the tissue patch the hypotympanic site of the aneurism was exposed using a posterior otosurgical approach.

49. Todo el atún en lata es Albacora, un atún de gran tamaño que se encuentra en aguas templadas y tropicales.All canned tuna is albacore, a large tuna fish found in temperate and tropical waters

50. 19-22: <<Quare quia non temere fiierat Arguendum quod ibi ecclesia teste fuerat positum; hoc potius videbatur a dubitante querendum, utrum quem semel posuit ecclesia ministram ad agendum aliquod sacramentum ipsa possit culpa promerente aliquando deponere vel excommunicare, ita ut in sacramentis agere nequeat quod ante potuit>>.

51. A total number of 147 members of the Delhi police were indicted as a result of the investigations by the Jain-Aggarwal committee and by Kusum Lata Mittal. 25 criminal cases were filed against some of the officers, in most others departmental inquiries were instituted and the officers exonerated.

52. Confiscatory latitude united nations general assembly importers psaume muzo privatjura nil conscire sibi, nulla pallescere culpa fighting seidoushoku you are able Wein dark and quiet, disappear mordi FIR port colour rasipan Microsoft Program Group lejek EC category B staff Cornelia cardiac fortification armo article, news story, report, account

53. Crabwise lata zaposliti se housing policy ibong tila tagak fingerprint batu estofat de porc zato eterozigoto types of soldering flux to close/shut down analyst specializing in productivity improvements to come to an end; to rest stood truhlice malbonoj profesor eksplozivna snaga 3D movie neighborly multiple launcer rocket system pulis DB e-ru

54. Cum nimis absurdum et inconveniens existat ut iudaei, quos propria culpa perpetuae servituti submisit, sub praetextu quod pietas christiana illos receptet et eorum Cohabitationem sustineat, christianis adeo sint ingrati, ut, eis pro gratia, contumelian reddant, et in eos, pro servitute, quam illis debent, dominatum vendicare procurent: nos, ad

55. Ideoque tua sollertia competentia monebit officia, ut actuariis binas annonas, annonariis vero singulas protinus subministrent, Capitationem quoque ipsorum tantum, qui ex his censiti sunt, faciat haberi immunem, quoad in actu fuerint constituti, nam postea vel laus eos et dignitas honorabit vel, si in culpa fuerint deprehensi, poena comitabitur.

56. Cum nimis absurdum et inconveniens existat ut iudaei, quos propria culpa perpetuae servituti submisit, sub praetextu quod pietas christiana illos receptet et eorum Cohabitationem sustineat, christianis adeo sint ingrati, ut, eis pro gratia, contumelian reddant, et in eos, pro servitute, quam illis debent, dominatum vendicare procurent: nos, ad quorum notitiam nuper devenit eosdem iudaeos in

57. For the heteronormative Cisgender person investigating trans sexuality, for example, this is often simply a matter of disavowing direct association with the matter under consideration--giving a shrugged mea culpa if you will (cf Smith, 2013)--which at once excoriates and exonerates in that it suggests that there will inevitably be faults due to that personal distance from the subject, but that

58. I aquí acabo la meva breu nota gastronòmica d’aquestes vacances on naturalment he assistit també a una típica barbacoa americana (sense musmellows de nit, perquè estava prohibit fer foc de camp per culpa d’uns incendis Bestials a l’estat), he esmorzat pancakes amb sirope i ous remenats, menjat cookies a totes hores i vaig preparar un

59. Bala bujang nggau dara bela Bejeling Indai orang nyau baka ke dara Tau ngasuh ati tekuing mawa Angela Lata Jua: Juluk ati aku ba gawai taun tu Ku ka ngasak amat enggau betapat ngajat Enggai alah utik baka taun nyin kemari All: Irup bujang irup Langgak dara langgak Anang alah bulu sama ngenan diri empu Saritu begawai ngirup berebah rimpai James

60. Containers bag a bag of sweets: bolsa: barrel a barrel of beer: barril: basket a basket of fruit: canasta: bottle a bottle of wine / mineral water: botella: box a box of pencils / cereals: caja: bowl a bowl of soup: bol, tazón: bucket a bucket of water: balde: can a can of soup: lata: carton a carton of milk: cartón: case a case of wine: caja

61. Brasil Cultivares 2021 Vicepresidente brasileño se enzarza en polémica con francés Macron por deforestación de Amazonia Yahoo Noticias Brasil reduce proyección de cosecha de soja en 2020/21 por clima desfavorable Yahoo Noticias Desde la Amazonía hasta México: estos son los lugares que más bosques han perdido por culpa de la deforestación Univision

62. Anyway, you're here de todas formas or de todos modos, estás aquí; Anyway, it's not my fault de todas formas or de todos modos, yo no tengo la culpa; he doesn't want to go out and Anyway he's not allowed no quiere salir y de todas formas or de todos modos no le dejan; whose money is this Anyway? de todas formas or de todos modos, ¿de quién es el dinero?; who needs men Anyway? de todas