Use "cuboids" in a sentence

1. Cuboids have six faces, and twelve edges

2. Cuboids are also called right prisms, rectangular parallelepipeds and rectangular boxes

3. The Cuboids ships as a 150 watt device but upon upgrading the software it will unlock to a whopping 200 watts! WARNING: This product contains nicotine

4. A Cuboid is a 3D shape.Cuboids have six faces, which form a convex polyhedron.Broadly, the faces of the Cuboid can be any quadrilateral.More narrowly, rectangular Cuboids are made from 6 rectangles, which are placed at right angles.

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6. The Cuboid is also a right prism, a special case of the parallelepiped, and corresponds to what in everyday parlance is known as a (rectangular) "box." Cuboids are implemented in the Wolfram Language as Cuboid[xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax] by giving the coordinates of opposite corners.