Use "crystallises" in a sentence

1. It crystallises in colorless rhombohedral with a relative density of

2. It is a black powder that crystallises in the rock salt structure.

3. There the water evaporates and the salt crystallises, creating pressure and often breaking down the rock.

4. When the sulfate crystallises, it becomes electrically isolating. Its accumulation over plates, thus reduces significantly the battery capacity.

5. Ammonium sulfate becomes ferroelectric at temperatures below -49.5 °C. At room temperature it crystallises in the orthorhombic system, with cell sizes of a = 7.729 Å, b = 10.560 Å, c = 5.951 Å.

6. FLOWER POWER Crystallise rose petals and store them in a glass jar Sugar and spice Cancer expert Professor John Burn explained: "When mashed potato goes cold it Crystallises , so do baked potatoes and baked beans."