Use "cry wolf" in a sentence

1. Please don't cry wolf.

2. Don't cry wolf unless you really need help.

3. One does not cry wolf with panic buttons.

4. To cry wolf indicates a person's lack of responsibility.

5. I'd received Cry Wolf not too long after she moved in.

6. Those who often cry wolf will only harm themselves in the end.

7. I'd received Never Cry Wolf not too long after she moved in.

8. Don't cry wolf or when you're really in trouble, no one will believe you.

9. If you cry wolf too often, people will stop believing that you need help.

10. Don't cry wolf any more, or no one will trust you sooner or later.

11. Don't cry wolf or when you're really in trouble, no one will believe you. ;

12. My stepmother. I'd received Never Cry Wolf not too long after she moved in.

13. Nobody will believe he is in trouble because he have cry wolf so many times.

14. At the same time, magnetometers continue to cry wolf again and again, detecting house keys, loose change, and belt buckles.

15. The manager was a nervous anxious little man, always ready to cry wolf if the shop takings went down a pound or two.

16. “I don’t want to cry wolf on this, ” said Dr. John M. Kittelson, a professor in the Department of Biostatistics and Informatics at the University of Colorado Denver.

17. 1 Synopsis 1.1 Episode 1: Faith 1.2 Episode 3: A Crooked Mile 1.3 Episode 4: In Sheep's Clothing 1.4 Episode 5: Cry Wolf 2 Trivia 3 Appearances 4 References Cryer is first seen when Snow gets Bigby from his apartment