Use "crustal" in a sentence

1. Crustal synonyms, Crustal pronunciation, Crustal translation, English dictionary definition of Crustal. adj

2. Crustal - definition of Crustal by The Free Dictionary Define Crustal

3. This makes comparison with, say, crustal Abundances difficult, since crustal Abundances …

4. We call this crustal magnetism.

5. Synonyms for Crustal in Free Thesaurus

6. Crustal anisotropy (V SH.V SV; Fig

7. Constraining crustal silica on ancient Earth C

8. Active volcanoes and crustal plates of the world

9. Crustal Cycling of oceanic crust through mantle reservoirs can therefore explain observations of different recycled oceanic Crustal ages and explain the chemical complexity of hotspot lavas.

10. What is a Crustal feature? Earth's tectonic plates are constantly moving

11. We find that the former complicates efforts to infer Crustal silica from

12. Magnetic profiling for the reconstruction of crustal ages and plate tectonics;

13. Although the amplitude of the Crustal anisotropy in these regions depends on the amplitude of the mantle anisotropy, the sign of the Crustal radial anisotropy is unique and positive

14. Using scissors, they demonstrated how the crustal building blocks moved around.

15. Evolution of the Altaid tectonic collage and Palaeozoic crustal growth in Eurasia

16. Faulting and Crustal Mechanics Our group carries out a variety of studies that approach problems of faulting and Crustal mechanics in geologic environments by integration of various types of data

17. TYPES OF Crustal MATERIAL It is important to keep in mind when discussing plate tectonics that the crust of the Earth is composed of two basic types of Crustal material

18. The diagram below represents an average Crustal model for elevations close to sea level

19. High abundance of anomalously enriched elements relative to oceanic and crustal sources was observed.

20. Therefore, it is more correct to talk about allochthonous crustal blocks and Authigenic sediments 1

21. There is exact evidence that these are modern tectonic forces caused by tangential crustal contraction.

22. The Qinghai - Tibet Plateau has a unique crustal structure and a high - heat background.

23. Evolution of the Altaid tectonic collage and Paleozoic crustal growth in Eurasia Nature , 364 ( 1993 ) , pp

24. Crustal structure beneath the Kashmir valley 6 delineates the Moho beneath Pir Panjal at depths of ~ 58 ± 2 to 60 ± 2 km and shows Crustal thinning of ~ 4 km along the valley axis

25. In mountain: Crustal shortening In most mountain belts, terrains have been elevated as a result of Crustal shortening by the thrusting of one block or slice of crust over another and/or by the folding of layers of rock

26. 16 The extensional system is a "horizontal layered" thin-skinned tectonics at the crustal scale.

27. Crustal deformationoccurs when applied forces exceed the internal strength of rocks, physically changing their shapes

28. These three forces cause Crustal deformation, which is a constructive factor in the formation of landforms

29. Apart from complications in assessing early Crustal composition introduced by Crustal preservation and sampling biases, effects such as the secular cooling of Earth’s mantle and the biologically driven oxidation of Earth’s atmosphere have not been fully investigated

30. Density-driven Crustal foundering leading to surface renewal occurs repeatedly throughout the life of a lava lake

31. The young Nd model ages suggest a significant crustal growth in the period of Neoproterozoic-Phanerozoic.

32. Bouguer anomalies include a correction for altitude but only on the basis of an average crustal density.

33. However crustal media, in general, are inhomogenous, therefore temperature influence on displacement measurements across faults, should not be ignored.

34. We interpret this in terms of thermal demagnetization of the high-magnetic crustal roots beneath the collision zones.

35. Similarly, accumulation of magma in Crustal reservoirs causes the earth's surface to swell, critical information for forecasting eruptions

36. Other applications of Crustal deformation include studying hydrologic changes such as draughts and groundwater extraction, and volcanic deformation.

37. Earth's Crustal evolution involves the formation, destruction and renewal of the rocky outer shell at that planet's surface.

38. What does Crustal mean? Of or relating to a crust, especially that of the earth or the moon

39. Crustal motion model or a revision to an existing model, or when additional capabilities have been added to the soft-ware

40. Deep-zone earthquakes, i.e., those that occur in the Asthenosphere or below it, may be caused by crustal plates sinking into

41. The Bangui Magnetic Anomaly, one of the earth’s largest crustal anomalies and the largest in Africa, has its centre in Bangui."

42. The formation of a Coalfield is associated with the development of crustal structures, such as syneclises, foredeeps, and inherited troughs

43. 19 They indicate that the Archeozoic tectonic environment is continental nucleus development and crustal block formation, and the Early Proterozoic t...

44. Airy isostasy applied to a real-case basin scenario, where the total load on the mantle is composed by a crustal basement, …

45. They have repeatedly looked for a connection between crustal tides and earthquakes over the past few decades, but to no avail.

46. Thin compared Earth's diameter, the outermost Crustal layer is further subdivided into two basic types of Crust — each unique in composition, origin and fate.

47. Fingerprint Dive into the research topics of 'Crustal-scale, en echelon "P-shear' tensional bridges: a possible solution to the Batholithic room problem'

48. The study of regional crustal stability is considered as a branch between engineering geology and the closely allied geomechanics as well as structural geology.

49. In the latest PreCambrian and Cambrian, the supercontinent Rodinia, which was centered about the South Pole, broke apart, and crustal blocks drifted northward.

50. The trace elements analysis shows that limburgite is the product of partially melting of mantle peridotite and diagenesis did not undergo the crustal contamination.

51. Natalin and others published Evolution of the Altaid Tectonic Collage and Paleozoic Crustal Growth in Eurasia Find, read and cite all the research you need on

52. Crustal plate definition, a large block or tabular section of the lithosphere that reacts to tectonic forces as a unit and moves as such

53. The Angl is a new noble gas laboratory with two noble gas extraction and purification lines for crustal fluids, groundwater, rocks and mineral samples

54. Crustal Faults Shallow earthquakes in Cascadia, with depths no greater than about 35 km, are caused by the rupture of faults within the North American Plate

55. Mesosiderites are stony irons in which the rocky material is a polymict breccia of crustal rock from a differentiated body – basalt, gabbro, pyroxenite, dunite, and Anorthosite

56. Crustal growth occurred via continental-arc magmatism and terrane accretion in the Southern accreted terranes along the southern margin of the province at 2.68–2.50 Ga.

57. Although not mentioned in the text, Crustal rebound as the weight of ice is removed might make the difference in this scenario as it develops

58. Instead, central eastern Tibet has been nearly stationary relative to southeastern China, southeastern Tibet has rotated clockwise without major Crustal shortening, and the crust along …

59. The evidence suggests that upper crustal processes predominate in the formation of the majority of ore deposits considered (excepting carbonatites, alkalic complexes and diamond pipes).

60. Clockwise pressure–temperature–time (P–T–t) paths reflect crustal thickening, thought to be related to the early accretionary history of the Trans-Hudson Orogen.

61. Lithoprobe crustal seismic profiles complement the existing geochronologic and geologic databases for northern Alberta and elucidate the nature of late stages of the accretionary process.

62. These Crustal features will appear at a plate boundaries and are an excellent way to identify the direction of motion of two plates at a boundary

63. 21 They indicate that the Archeozoic tectonic environment is continental nucleus development and crustal block formation, and the Early Proterozoic tectonic environment is represented as rift.

64. The Curie-Point Temperature (CPT) surface is defined as the magnetic-bottom Crustal surface, depending on both the composition and the thermal features of the crust.

65. Crustal Deformation Monitoring Geodetic methods are used to measure movement of the Earth’s surface and strain in the upper few hundred meters of the Earth’s crust

66. 16 In data processing for Capital circle GPS crustal deformation monitoring network, the best technical program has been used and high precision positioning results have been obtained.

67. 24 Based on newly acquired deformational data of Fenghuoshan group, we have estimated the N-S crustal shortening of Fenghuoshan area in central Qinghai-Xizang plat eau .

68. 8 During the Pliocene to early Pleistocene strong NW-SE crustal extension resulted in disintegration of the planation geomorphology and formation of a graben basin in the area.

69. Field observations and satellite geodesy indicate that little Crustal shortening has occurred along the central to southern margin of the eastern Tibetan plateau since about 4 million years ago

70. 28 Using the isostatie response function technique, we have investigated the isostasy and crustal density structure of Panzhihua- Xichang region, which was supposed to contain a continental rift valley.

71. 29 The deformational metamorphic evolution of the three types of the ductile shear zones reflects the main reworking during the uplift processes of the deep crustal high grade metamorphic complex.

72. [1] While conventional interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) is a very effective technique for measuring Crustal deformation, almost any interferogram includes large areas where the signals decorrelate and no measurement is possible

73. Crustal shortening estimated by them along balanced cross sections is 164–267km in Sub-Himalaya and LHS sequence, 97–156m structural overlap across the MCT, and 31–53km across the Kakhtang Thrust

74. The sizes of earthquakes are related to how big their ruptures are, and the biggest Crustal faults in our region could produce earthquakes with magnitudes as large as, perhaps, M7.5.

75. Other mountains appear to be tilted crustal blocks, with a shallow slope from the formerly flat surface and a steep slope consisting of formerly sub-surface materials uplifted by compressive stresses.

76. In August 2012, NGS released version 3.2 of HTDP (HTDP_v3.2), which introduced: An improved model for estimating interseismic hori-zontal Crustal velocities in Alaska A model for the postseismic motion associated with

77. The Cratons are flanked by a fold belt, with or without a discernible suture or shear zone, suggesting that the Cratons, as crustal blocks or microplates, moved against each other and collided to

78. The Bathymetric map, when combined with the other three maps, serves as a base for making geological-geophysical studies of the oceans bottom's crustal geophysical data for the Continental Shelf and slope

79. At a larger scale, the seismic data identify a variety of orogenic styles ranging from thin- to thick-skinned accretion in the Cordillera and crustal-scale tectonic wedging associated with both Paleoproterozoic and Mesozoic collisions.

80. The complex is composed principally of high-pressure (8-10 kbar) Cretaceous Batholithic rocks, and it represents the deepest exposed levels of a continuous oblique crustal section through the southern Sierra Nevada batholith.