Use "crossing the suez canal" in a sentence

1. Suez Canal Area, 1973 - Egyptian Crossing/Reinforcement Phase-Israeli Counterattacks, 6-13 October Suez Canal Area, 1973 - Egyptian Attack,and Israeli Counterattacks, 14-15 October

2. 1957 – Egypt re-opens the Suez Canal after the Suez Crisis.

3. In 18 the Suez Canal was opened.

4. March 8 – Egypt re-opens the Suez Canal.

5. On 6 October 1981, Sadat was assassinated during the annual victory parade held in Cairo to celebrate Egypt's crossing of the Suez Canal.

6. This canal , which lies in a desert area in northeastern Egypt, is called the Suez Canal.

7. Egypt has lost out on revenues from the Suez Canal.

8. The ship is sailing towards Europe through the Suez Canal.

9. Stuck tanker blocking Suez Canal Budges for first time

10. There has been an increase in navigation through the Suez canal.

11. A move away from the Suez Canal could hurt Egypt's economy.

12. Britain went on to control the Suez Canal 1875 - 19

13. The pirates'information network extends to Yemen, Dubai and the Suez canal.

14. My father was a sea captain, a pilot in the Suez Canal.

15. Suez Canal Traffic Blocked After Massive Ship Runs Aground Traffic through one of the world's busiest waterways was stalled after the Ever Given ran Aground and blocked the Suez Canal.

16. They made proposals for an international management of the Suez Canal.

17. (b) south-eastern limit: the northern (Mediterranean) entrance of the Suez Canal.

18. Long-mothballed projects like widening the Suez Canal are being dusted off.

19. 1975 – The Suez Canal opens for the first time since the Six-Day War.

20. In those times Egypt extended well beyond the north side of the Suez Canal.

21. Container ship runs Aground in Suez canal causing traffic jam – video

22. Nevertheless, work on the New Suez Canal was completed in July 2015.

23. Remittances to Egypt were larger than the country’s earnings from the Suez Canal.

24. It could by a gesture have turned back Italian transports from the Suez Canal.

25. Traffic Halted: Massive Container Ship Runs Aground In Suez Canal In Egypt, a ship the length of four football fields has run Aground in the Suez …

26. Stuck tanker blocking Suez Canal Budges for the first time Should the efforts fail, the US Navy is willing to send help if Cairo asks for it • each hour the Suez Canal does not operate costs

27. In early 1969, fighting broke out between Egypt and Israel along the Suez Canal.

28. In Egypt remittances are three times the size of revenues from the Suez Canal.

29. French engineer Ferdinand de Lesseps, was the director of the construction of the Suez Canal.

30. The Suez Canal (Arabic: قناة السويس ‎ qanāt as-suwēs) is an artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea through the Isthmus of Suez; and dividing Africa and Asia.Constructed by the Suez Canal Company between 1859 and 1869, it officially opened on 17 November 1869

31. Ferdinand de Lesseps, who was in charge of the Suez Canal construction, headed the project.

32. 2 days ago · Stranded Suez Canal Container Ship Budges A Little: Source

33. 1957 – The Suez Canal is reopened for all shipping after being closed for three months.

34. 1823) 1894 – Ferdinand de Lesseps, French businessman and diplomat, co-developed the Suez Canal (b.

35. Reaching Port Said, Egypt, on the morning of 29 July, Worcester transited the Suez Canal that afternoon.

36. But before the Suez Canal was cut in 18 Asia was also linked to Africa.

37. The later opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 would further boost trade in Singapore.

38. The Suez Canal, blocked as a result of the hostilities, was cleared by the United Nations.

39. Through a loan to the government of England, they held the first lien on Suez Canal.

40. 1 day ago · Suez Canal is still Blocked: Why that matters everywhere

41. Nasser blocked the passage of Israeli ships through the Straits of Tiran and the Suez Canal.

42. Suez Canal blocked: What the mishap in one of the Busiest shipping lanes means for the world

43. 1 day ago · With ship now freed, a probe into Suez Canal blockage Begins

44. Initially equipped with Hawker Hurricanes, 417 Squadron conducted combat patrols against Axis Aircraft operating over the Suez Canal.

45. In 1956, Great Britain and France aimed at regaining control of the Suez Canal, which the Egyptians had nationalized.

46. Three hundred and twenty-eight yards from the tee the Suez Canal cuts a deep channel across the course.

47. For geopolitical purposes, the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt – east on the Suez Canal – is often considered part of Africa.

48. 1 day ago · Container ship runs aground in Suez canal causing traffic jam – video

49. 15 hours ago · With Suez Canal Blocked, Shippers Begin End Run Around a Trade Artery

50. The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 transformed Bombay into one of the largest seaports on the Arabian Sea.

51. Hours were spent paddling around in the dark on the Suez Canal until they believed they had mastered handling of the inflatables.

52. 12 hours ago · Massive ship blocking the Suez Canal brings Billions of dollars in trade to a standstill

53. 1 day ago · The Suez Canal Authority suggested on Wednesday that vessels could still use the "original Canal," which parallels the newer section opened in 2015, but …

54. These include fast growing ports on the Mediterranean and Red Sea linked by the Suez Canal and its vast untapped natural gas resources .

55. This consists of lost remittances, tourist earnings and Suez Canal income(, together with massive resettlement costs for returning migrant workers.

56. Unless we can guarantee the free transit of energy and trade between the Suez Canal and the Western Pacific, Asia’s economic vision may remain incomplete.

57. 1 day ago · The Suez Canal Authority (SCA) said it had lost the ability to steer amid high winds and a dust storm

58. Automakers and suppliers expect their supply chains to be impacted after a container ship blocked the Suez Canal, halting the flow of goods through the …

59. I must, at the outset, congratulate you all on the successful completion of the New Suez Canal in a record time of less than a year.

60. 23 hours ago · The Suez Canal is a key artery for oil flows from the Persian Gulf region to Europe and North America

61. A massive cargo ship got wedged in the Suez Canal and halted all traffic in one of the Busiest and most important shipping lanes in the world.

62. The rest of the voyage, via the eastern passage off Madagascar and through the Red Sea, culminated with the negotiation of the Suez Canal and passed without incident.

63. The Atlantic Gateway will take advantage of capacity constraints at west coast ports in North America, ports in the U.S. northeast and India trade through the Suez Canal.

64. The ship then ran Aground at the 151 km (82 nmi) mark (measured from Port Said on the Mediterranean Sea; 10 km (5.4 nmi) from Suez Port on the Gulf of Suez), and turned sideways, unable to free itself, blocking the canal on both sides

65. On 31 October 1956, the Egyptian frigate Domiat was cruising South of the Suez Canal in the Red Sea, when Newfoundland encountered her and ordered her to heave to.

66. 1 day ago · Probe Begins of why giant ship got stuck, blocking Suez Canal "This ship is a multinational conglomeration," said Capt

67. 12 hours ago · Satellite imagery gives another perspective on the developing situation in Egypt's Suez Canal, where a mega cargo Container ship was turned sideways and stuck

68. Seven tug boats have come to the aid of a container ship that ran Aground in the Suez Canal on Tuesday and blocked other vessels from transiting one of …

69. 17 hours ago · Satellite imagery gives another perspective on the developing situation in Egypt's Suez Canal, where a mega cargo container ship was turned sideways and …

70. In 1875, the Conservative government of Benjamin Disraeli bought the indebted Egyptian ruler Isma'il Pasha's 44% shareholding in the Suez Canal for £4 million (equivalent to £370 million in 2018).

71. - One of the largest shipping containers in the world, a 400-meter and 200,000-ton vessel, has run Aground in the Suez Canal, blocking one of the most important waterways in …

72. 1 day ago · With ship now freed, a probe into Suez Canal blockage Begins The grounding of the ship had halted billions of dollars a day in maritime commerce

73. 1 hour ago · TheBlaze - A massive cargo ship got wedged in the Suez Canal and halted all traffic in one of the Busiest and most important shipping lanes in the world

74. Alimentary Canal see alimentary Canal

75. The semicircular canals are named the superior canal, the horizontal (lateral) canal, and the inferior (posterior) canal.

76. The Adductor canal (Hunter’s canal, subsartorial canal) is a narrow conical tunnel located in the thigh.

77. Crossing definition is - the act or action of Crossing: such as

78. Eden was tested to destruction by the Suez crisis.

79. 17 hours ago · The last Container ship to run aground in the Suez Canal was the OOCL Japan, which became stuck there in October 2017 and again in June 2018 after steering malfunctions

80. In Europe, the Zebra crossing is a common kind of crossing facility.