Use "crack of dawn" in a sentence

1. We woke up at the crack of dawn.

2. They've been drinking since the butt-crack of dawn.

3. I got to be out digging'postholes at the crack of dawn tomorrow.

4. You haven't been sleeping and you've been coming out before the crack of dawn.

5. Crowing begins at or just before the crack of dawn -- as my neighbours will testify.

6. At the crack of dawn, our mother would wake us up to pray the rosary.

7. Charlie Chamberpot is a cat NPC toon working at Crack Of Dawn Repairs on Lullaby Lane, Donald's Dreamland.

8. We were woken at the crack of dawn by the pitter patter of seagulls as they pecked for their breakfast.

9. He was up at the crack of dawn doing something unspeakable to the turkey, but the kids were up anyway.

10. Every day, she leaves at the crack of dawn to work in the rice paddy field but productivity is low because there’s little water to irrigate the field.