Use "coxsackie" in a sentence

1. What A hoot, Coxsackie, New York

2. Negative for Coxsackie " B " virus.

3. Viral rash from Coxsackie virus gives tiny Blisters on palms and soles

4. Viral rash from Coxsackie virus gives tiny Blisters on palms and soles

5. 26 To explore the child pneumonia in infection circumstances of Coxsackie B virus ( CVB ), Cytomegalovirus ( CMV ), Epstein - Barr virus ( EBV ).

6. Anaetiological agentwasidentified in 15 ofthe patients: Mycoplasmapneumoniae(seven patients), influenzaA(three patients), parainfluenza 3 (onepatient), varicella (twopatients), Qfever (onepatient), coxsackie B3(onepatient)