Use "cowards" in a sentence

1. Cowards!

2. Cowards are cruel.

3. Sharing is for cowards.

4. Our fathers are cowards.

5. There's nobody here except cowards...

6. Not much for running from cowards.

7. We were taught snipers were Cowards

8. Soldiers die because they are cowards.

9. 4 Cowards "show the white feather".

10. They were portrayed as contemptible cowards.

11. They were portrayed as Contemptible cowards

12. Get up to the wall, you cowards!

13. 2 They were portrayed as contemptible cowards.

14. War is not a place for cowards.

15. Pelosi: Republicans who voted ‘not guilty’ are Cowards

16. Guilty consciences always make people [men] cowards

17. These cowards practice randomness in highly specific places.

18. Can suicide bombers really be considered cowards?

19. and the world does not need anymore cowards.

20. generals don't hide in their offices like cowards.

21. Between two Cowards, he has the advantage who

22. The corrupt Bribees are portrayed as despicable subservient cowards.

23. 3 Guilty consciences always make people [men] cowards

24. There will be no mercy for cowards and traitors

25. 7 Guilty consciences always make people [men] cowards

26. 14 Cowards may die many times before their death. 

27. Those sniveling cowards... with their long bows... and Black Arrows.

28. 8 Cowards die often [many times] before their deaths. 

29. The generals are no more than a bunch of disloyal cowards.

30. The religious cowards dragged her into a nearby forest and shot her.

31. It goes to the heads of Cowards as quickly as of heroes

32. Not to call you a coward, Master, but sometimes, cowards do survive.

33. And he died in an alley, butchered by cowards who hide behind masks.

34. ‘Cowards’: Anti-maskers berate Androscoggin commissioners who vote to postpone action on resolution

35. Cowards are terrified of everything that can and will go bump in the night

36. That meant that people were taught to be smart cowards, stay out of trouble.

37. Who are some famous Cowards? The American General Hull - during the War of 1812

38. The words “rats” and “cowards” were painted on the wall of our pioneer home.

39. Cowards Parisian quintet Cowards have become an unrelenting force since their inception in 2012, imposing their ruthless blend of metallic hardcore and sludge over a couple of 12" releases and stages all across Europe

40. Boylan Called Schumer and Gillibrand "cowards" for not calling on Cuomo to resign

41. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., referred to the military as “soulless Cowards” and called for their

42. Cowards are the ones who don't fall in love 'cause they're too afraid to suffer

43. An older Czech man recommended I read The Cowards while traveling in the Czech Republic

44. Alan was a kind of unflinching coward who lived into an era of absolute cowards.

45. Cowards funny cartoons from CartoonStock directory - the world's largest on-line collection of cartoons and comics.

46. 'Because Cowards Get Cancer Too’: Autopathography and First-Person Profiling in John Diamond’s columns for The Times

47. Hooked on creeps and cowards, Germano knows that the real love and trust issue is with herself.

48. The other two, a couple of weak-kneed cowards, had thought that was enough and run off.

49. So sad to see the continuous, senseless Ambushings of our law enforcement officers in this country by cowards

50. He did not risk his life fighting for his freedom so cowards in masks could take it away.

51. 29 He told himself that all men were cowards when it came to a showdown with a woman.

52. Congressional ‘Cowards’ blasted by ex-Pentagon official for letting Trump push US to the brink of war with Iran

53. Before I suggest a path forward with church Cowards, let me identify nine of the most common detractors

54. 24 The brave and the wise can both pity and excuse,when cowards and fools shew no mercy.

55. Cowards are a British four-man comedy act, composed of Tim Key, Stefan Golaszewski, Tom Basden and Lloyd Woolf

56. Cowards are an innovative new 4-man sketch group comprising Tim Key, Tom Basden, Stefan Golaszewski & Lloyd Woolf

57. Sixty percent of professors are moral cowards unwilling to rock the boat and therefore willing to tolerate the others.

58. Men Silence Sin The world is not fair, and often fools, Cowards, liars and the selfish hide in high places.

59. A few days later, Kim Jong-il was quoted on Radio Pyongyang as saying, "Cowards, leave if you want to.

60. They sadly end up being Cowards and cannot be around anything or anyone who reminds them of their past trauma

61. Increasingly, on this and other websites, people ask for the banning of Anonymous Cowards and others who flame behind pseuds

62. The list of Cowards supporting Joe Biden are not taking some moral stand, nor are they in any way demonstrating independent thought

63. 'Cowards': Cuomo Accuser Torches Schumer and Gillibrand for #MeToo Hypocrisy Biden Calls Kamala Harris the President Again Biden's Campaign Promise on …

64. (John 17:12; 2 Thessalonians 2:3) Such individuals are among “the cowards” who suffer eternal destruction in the symbolic lake of fire.

65. Cowards have good imaginations, imaginations that torment them with all the worst stuff of nightmare, all the horrors that could befall them

66. Everyone hates the prolix Gadaffi, particularly Arab despots who he routinely blasts as "old women in robes," "Zionist lackeys," and "cowards and thieves.

67. Adorations Courage and Cowards move, heroes to ecstasy Welcomes of war and wounds, vigil and victory Structures of atoms dance, sugar towards the…

68. A real soldier, a man who honored his country with his service, who did his job even when betrayed by cowards and politicians like you.

69. 2 Corinthians 4:1 Therefore, being engaged in this service and being mindful of the mercy which has been shown us, we are not Cowards

70. Shrink like cowards from the contest, or enter into it as Beseemed a brave and high-spirited people; and, once in, whether failure or success should crown our banners

71. See also: always, bully, Coward conscience does make Cowards of us all proverb The conscience often prevents one from doing things that one wants to do (perhaps things that

72. The whole country's a bunch of parka-wearing, draft-dodging, chickenshit cowards who didn't have the balls to stay home and fight the Vietcong to preserve our American way of life.

73. Republican senators condemned as "Cowards and fascists" after Senate acquits Trump Seven GOP senators vote to convict the former president — but 43 don't, and are blasted for cowardice

74. Cachinnating cockatoo! Cannibals! Carpetsellers! Caterpillars! Centipede! Cercopithecus! Certified Diplodocuses [Calculus Affair, p30]! Coconut[Crab p58 panel 5]! Coelcanth! Colocynths! Corsair! Cowards! Crabapples! Cro-Magnon! Crooks! Cushion footed quadrupeds! Cyclotron! D

75. The apostles were not cowards, but when they learned of a plot to stone them, they wisely left to preach in Lycaonia, a region of Asia Minor in southern Galatia.

76. In addition to calling police officers “insecure babies,” “scardy-cats [sic]” and “Cowards,” Killian criticized America’s appreciation for veterans and said that supporting law enforcement is “an attempt to maintain white supremacy.”

77. The Cowards in his party, the ones who never told him to stop the chaos that he caused almost on a daily basis – they also bear responsibility for the wretched end of his presidency

78. Think of the psychological absurdity of picturing a little band of defeated cowards cowering in an Upper Room one day and a few days later transformed into a company that no persecution could silence! . . .

79. Nigeria's defence minister prompted criticism on Thursday for urging Nigerians not to "be Cowards" and to stand up to armed bandits, while security forces embarked on a mission to rescue 42 people

80. Republican Chickenshits can go on forever, because YOU ARE Chickenshits! Republican Senators’ Cowardly Reaction to Trump ‘Peaceful … › news-politics › politics › republica… Hillary Clinton: Most Republicans are “cowards” on Trump … › Politics & Policy › Donald Trump