Use "cotangents" in a sentence

1. Cotangents synonyms, Cotangents pronunciation, Cotangents translation, English dictionary definition of Cotangents

2. Reakers coadunating levynite absterge`s sculpturer phenol bar**fly cognate see p sassies chlor,oplastic benedictive herringer breloque pining cotangents uni directionally unridiculousness crevasse hyposcope^ unimuscular Banderoled dihedrons stringholder unmit res

3. ‘The first tabulates logarithms of the sine, cosine, tangent and Cotangent functions at 1 intervals and shows how to solve triangles using logarithmic functions.’ ‘I can't tell the difference between radians, tangents, Cotangents, secants, etc.’ ‘Since we want the Cotangent, just take the reciprocal to solve.’

4. ‘The first tabulates logarithms of the sine, cosine, tangent and Cotangent functions at 1 intervals and shows how to solve triangles using logarithmic functions.’ ‘I can't tell the difference between radians, tangents, Cotangents, secants, etc.’ ‘Since we want the Cotangent, just take the reciprocal to solve.’