Use "coral reef" in a sentence

1. Ringed by a vibrant coral reef, Aruba …

2. Big waves hammered at the coral reef.

3. An Atoll is surrounded by a coral reef

4. 1 An unspoilt coral reef encloses the bay.

5. The ship was wrecked on a coral reef.

6. the multifarious life forms in the coral reef.

7. I'm an ecologist, mostly a coral reef ecologist.

8. The island is encircled by a coral reef.

9. 9 the multifarious life forms in the coral reef.

10. Why not chisel a coral reef out of marble?

11. Derek Manzello is the Principal Investigator of Accrete, the coral reef climate change and ocean acidification monitoring of NOAA’s National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP), which is co-funded by NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program and Ocean Acidification Program

12. Very unlikely, Joe would jump on a pristine coral reef, a virgin coral reef with lots of coral, sharks, crocodiles, manatees, groupers, turtles, etc.

13. Beyond the coral reef the open sea was dark blue.

14. Cay - a coral reef off the southern coast of Florida

15. A Coral reef may grow into a permanent Coral island

16. #115497795 - Oval Butterflyfish on Coral Reef off Kona, Big Island, Hawaii

17. The beauty of Bonaire is that the coral reef, designated a …

18. And Hainan's mangrove, rich coral reef are also well - known attractions.

19. Atoll - an island consisting of a circular coral reef surrounding a lagoon coral reef - a reef consisting of coral consolidated into limestone Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

20. A coral reef is built by the accretion of tiny, identical organisms.

21. Cay, small, low island, usually sandy, situated on a coral reef platform

22. Here we are, we're on what was a pretty healthy coral reef.

23. 2 A coral reef is built by the accretion of tiny, identical organisms.

24. An Atoll is a ring-shaped coral reef, island, or series of islets

25. Where does the synthetic coral reef end and the chanting wave machine begin?

26. After a one-and-half-hour flight from Mauritius, we sight a coral reef.

27. Any Cherry Corals online purchase will be the centerpiece of your Coral reef tank

28. Mooring Buoys can also be used as an ongoing aid to coral reef conservation

29. Spanish hogfish are found in shallow coral reef areas and have two upper teeth.

30. The fish live in a shallow tropical lagoon, which is enclosed by a coral reef.

31. These sand deposits, which were once part of a Coral reef, are typically collected directly …

32. Atoll An Atoll is created as a coral reef builds up around an eroding volcanic island

33. The seaweed in reconnaissance photos turned out to be coral reef that interfered with the landings.

34. Crustose coralline algae (CCA) are major benthic calcifiers that play crucial roles in coral reef ecosystems

35. Stepping from the plane, we stand on what I call a coral reef in the clouds.

36. Crustose coralline algae (CCA) are critical members of the coral reef ecosystem, yet they remain poorly studied

37. A stereo Bruvs (with two cameras) sits amongst a rich coral reef habitat at Rowley Shoals, Western Australia

38. A healthy coral reef can reduce wave force by 97%, lessening the impact of storms and preventing erosion.

39. Adding these adaptive abilities to ecosystem models is likely to slow predictions of demise for coral reef ecosystems.'

40. This is true whether you are in a desert or a forest or swimming on a coral reef.

41. While there, Indomitable ran aground on a coral reef near Jamaica, though she returned to service soon afterwards.

42. Adey had grown an artificial self-regenerating coral reef once before as a museum exhibit at the Smithsonian.

43. Coral Bleaching is the most visible, rapid and destructive impact of human-caused climate change on coral reef ecosystems

44. What a spectacular view —the turquoise lagoon, the white coral reef, and the deep blue ocean in the background!

45. Coral is typically referred to as the hard calcium structure which makes the back bone of a Coral reef

46. Cobia is a pelagic species and is found over shallow coral reef and especially along coasts with submerged rocks

47. Perhaps, after all, this is indeed some exotic coastline-maybe some coral reef, teeming with life of all kinds.

48. Marine scientists were pretty sure a coral reef, like any complex ecosystem, must be assembled in the correct order.

49. Coral reef ecosystems are intricate and diverse collections of species that interact with each other and the physical environment

50. A group of Bryozoan colonies is called a thicket and sometimes looks like a smaller version of a coral reef

51. Part of the reserve is on land and part is in the Caribbean Sea, including a section of coral reef.

52. The remarkable natural richness of the coral reef has been squeezed further into the hyper-natural richness of a synthetic reef.

53. Ocean Aquaria custom aquariums, custom artificial coral reef inserts and aquarium decor for residential and commercial aquariums and public aquariums worldwide

54. They look as although they belong in a warm and sunny tropical coral reef rather than the dark and cold abyss.

55. The tropical coral reef-dwelling coelenterateZoanthus sociatus (Ellis) lives in mutualistic symbiosis with dinoflagellates of the genusGymnodinium. These algae are intracellular. 2.

56. A dizzying array of dots and squiggles decorates a striped boxfish (Ostracion solorensis) gliding by a coral reef near Indonesia's Tukangbesi Islands.

57. Like a goddess presiding over the games of lesser gods, the Princess remained slightly aloof on a sofa red as coral reef.

58. The National Park Service manages more than half of St. John, nearly all of Hassel Island, and many acres of coral reef.

59. CAUGHT ON THE HOP; pets corner In the middle section, they placed a type of coral reef fish called a Bridled monocle bream.

60. Hawksbills are endangered because their beachfront nesting grounds and coral reef feeding grounds are shrinking. Humans also target the turtles for food and shell products.

61. What does Atoll mean? The definition of an Atoll is a ring shaped coral reef, or close coral islands that enclose or almost enclose a lagoon

62. Getting up close to a parrot fish while watching and listening to it munch on coral is something few explorers of a coral reef will ever forget.

63. Coral reef, ridge or hummock formed in shallow ocean areas by algae and the calcareous skeletons of certain coelenterates, of which Coral polyps are the most important

64. 50 Reefs: An initiative designed during the filming of Chasing Coral to rapidly bolster existing coral reef conservation efforts by catalyzing new targeted action and investment in key geographies

65. I hurriedly with body of the hanging drawbar, quickly hook lives a coral reef, mega honked not to put, otherwise, I would like a leaf samples may transpire coiled where.

66. The Aldabra Marine Programme was established following the discovery of the extensive damage to the coral reef ecosystem at Aldbara Atoll caused by the 1998 Indian Ocean coral-bleaching event.

67. Workers in Mauritius on Tuesday began pumping 130 tons of fuel from a Chinese fishing vessel that ran Aground on a coral reef on the Indian Ocean island's west coast

68. Internal control helps corals resist Acidification Scientists from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies (Coral CoE) at The University of Western Australia (UWA) have found that some

69. Marine Angelfishes, which are “one of the most charismatic and iconic groups of coral reef fishes” according to Mr Tea, are familiar to many people because quite a few species are popular

70. 12 I hurriedly with body of the hanging drawbar, quickly hook lives a coral reef, mega honked not to put, otherwise,( I would like a leaf samples may transpire coiled where.

71. An Atoll is born five million years after this, when the island has subsided completely beneath sea level and the coral reef continues its growth towards and above the surface of the water

72. Ocean acidification could lead to a worldwide decline in areas favourable to coral reef growth, major changes in marine ecosystems affecting the marine food chain, and a reduced ability for oceans to absorb carbon dioxide.

73. A Coral reef is an underwater ecosystem characterized by reef-building Corals.Reefs are formed of colonies of Coral polyps held together by calcium carbonate.Most Coral reefs are built from stony Corals, whose polyps cluster in groups.

74. The management of microplastics, as well as the development of technologies to degrade plastics (Yoshida et al., 2016), might be crucial for sustainable Anthozoan-algae symbiosis, which is a cornerstone of the biologically enriched coral reef ecosystem

75. Benares Shoals - Benares Shoals, or Benares Shoal, is a submerged coral reef, an isolated patch located at 5°15′S 071°40′E, just 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) west-northwest of Île Pierre, the closest island of Peros

76. ‘The blackcap Basslet, a relative of the large species of groupers, uses its bulging eyes to find food while it scavenges on the coral reef.’ ‘We joined the swarming shoals of surgeon, Basslet, butterfly fish, damsel fish, fusiliers and some bemused jack fish.’

77. Hydrodynamics of a Bathymetrically complex fringing coral reef embayment: Wave climate, in situ observations, and wave prediction Ron Hoeke,1,2,3 Curt Storlazzi,4 and Peter Ridd3 Received 4 February 2010; revised 11 January 2011; accepted 27 January 2011; published 20 April 2011.

78. And our analyses indicate that fish simply copying other fish in their social network could account for over 60 percent of the algae eaten by the fish community, and thus could be critical to the flow of energy and resources through coral reef ecosystems.

79. Atoll, coral reef enclosing a lagoon. Atolls consist of ribbons of reef that may not always be circular but whose broad configuration is a closed shape up to dozens of kilometres across, enclosing a lagoon that may be approximately 50 metres (160 feet) deep or more.

80. According to a research article on how water quality affects coral reef ecosystems, Bioindicators are the preferred measurement in comparison to the direct chemical measurements of water quality since they use the organisms in the ecosystem as an indirect, long-term monitor of water quality (Cooper et al