Use "cooccur" in a sentence

1. Coincide definition: go with, fall together synonyms: cooccur, coexist, overlap, co-occur antonyms: disallow, decertify, disapprove, forbid, recede

2. Coexist: 1 v exist together Types: co-occur , coincide , cooccur go with, fall together overlap coincide partially or wholly Type of: be , exist have an existence, be extant v Coexist peacefully, as of nations

3. Coincide: 1 v happen simultaneously “The two events Coincided ” Synonyms: concur Type of: come about , fall out , go on , hap , happen , occur , pass , pass off , take place come to pass v go with; fall together Synonyms: co-occur , cooccur Types: overlap coincide partially or wholly share have in common Type of: coexist exist together v be