Use "convoys" in a sentence

1. (b) Two-abreast convoys

2. Three Potential Concepts for Automating Army Convoys

3. 305 m for vessels and convoys of:

4. Truck convoys often stop over for lunch here.

5. The escort unit accompanied convoys from Trinidad to Recife, where it was relieved by Brazilian Navy units who took the convoys to Bahia.

6. U.N. aid convoys have unimpeded access to the city.

7. Ambulances and humanitarian convoys must gain access to the camps.

8. 26 Our convoys are being continually harassed by enemy submarines.

9. She escorted troop convoys from Yokosuka to Saipan in May.

10. Cheerly served as a rescue tug with convoys in the English

11. Between these operations, Wells escorted convoys to and from Iceland.

12. She provided cover on 24 September for the convoys of Operation Halberd.

13. RAN ships also escorted US supply convoys bound for the Philippines.

14. Besides defending convoys, these were used to transport aircraft across the ocean.

15. The unit split up into three convoys for the long march to Kufra.

16. The destroyer also escorted convoys to the landing area until mid-October.

17. She escorted troopship convoys from Saigon to Rangoon through the remainder of March.

18. The streets were jammed with slow moving traffic, army convoys moving north-east.

19. Delete all references to sound signals from convoys in the text of section F.

20. She escorted coastal convoys, on 15 July 1942 attacking a submarine off Cape Hatteras.

21. Provoking Turkey, the Americans continued sending the Kurds new arms in convoys via Iraq.

22. In August through October, she escorted troop convoys from Kure to Taiwan and Luzon.

23. The partisans lay up by day and by night sallied out to attack convoys.

24. Delete all references to sound signals from convoys in the text of section F

25. restrictions for vessels or convoys in terms of length, width, draught and air draught,

26. Howorth arrived in Yokohama, Japan on 17 September, where she escorted convoys back from Japan.

27. The Chechen rebels can still mount hit-and-run attacks, mining roads and ambushing convoys.

28. In July, Satsuki escorted convoys from Kure via Manila to Lingga, then patrolled from Singapore.

29. Wainwright continued to escort Atlantic convoys through the summer and into the fall of 1942.

30. In the text of section F, all references to sound signals by convoys should be deleted

31. In the text of section F, all references to sound signals by convoys should be deleted.

32. A UN official said aid programs will be suspended until there's adequate protection for relief convoys.

33. She escorted three troop convoys from Surabaya to Kaimana, New Guinea during April and May.

34. 19 A UN official said aid programs will be suspended until there's adequate protection for relief convoys.

35. 25 A UN official said aid programs will be suspended until there's adequate protection for relief convoys.

36. Despite the absolute destruction and the magnitude of relief operations, transatlantic naval convoys had resumed within a week.

37. Private security firms in Afghanistan provide guards for everything from diplomatic missions and aid agencies to supply convoys .

38. Through the spring of 1943 she operated out of Argentia escorting convoys bound for the United Kingdom.

39. After working up in Bermuda, she arrived at Halifax on 14 February 1945 and began escorting local convoys.

40. Based on Guam and Saipan, she escorted convoys and patrolled on air-sea rescue station until July 1945.

41. For the remainder of the year, the high-speed transport escorted convoys between ports in the Mediterranean Sea.

42. Ambushing convoys, destroying ammunition dumps. Ambushing merchant parties for some time to judge from the contents of the cave.

43. After 26 February 1942, she spent a year escorting convoys from a mid-ocean meeting point to Icelandic ports.

44. She was loaned to the USSR in 1944 and renamed Arkhangelsk, escorting Arctic convoys for the remainder of the war.

45. July 10 – The Battle of Britain commences with the first German attacks on British convoys in the English Channel.

46. For the rest of October, she continued to guard the convoys from Florida Island to various islands in the Solomons.

47. On July 16 Renamo and the government signed a joint humanitarian declaration designed to allow unrestricted passage for food convoys.

48. During the Korean War , carrier-based aircraft played a critical role in attacking enemy airfields, convoys and troop staging areas.

49. Consider traveling in pairs and using convoys of multiple vehicles to mitigate the risks related to traveling outside of Bujumbura

50. Coalition Airstrikes targeted two ISIS convoys leaving Falluja over two days, destroying about 175 vehicles carrying militants out of the city

51. Over the coming months, Washington would be focused upon the safe arrival of supply convoys to the men fighting on Guadalcanal.

52. American warships began escorting Allied convoys in the western Atlantic as far as Iceland, and had several hostile encounters with U-boats.

53. On the 12th, the planes from the carriers bombed air facilities and coast defenses in the Marianas and damaged two Japanese convoys.

54. Until 1944, Annapolis sailed with the Halifax and Western Local Escort Forces escorting convoys from east of St. Johns, Newfoundland, to New York.

55. In early 1942, several Axis submarines patrolled the southern Caribbean with the objective of attacking Allied convoys and disrupting the oil operations.

56. Successful Ambushes will cause the enemy to divert assets from other missions in order to guard convoys, troop movements, and logistics supply routes

57. In addition to the aerial bombardment, Russian convoys started moving from the Zugdidi region to the Jvari pass and the town of Khaishi.

58. She escorted convoys and performed anti-submarine patrol until 25 February 1944, when she struck a cliff in foul weather off the coast of Newfoundland.

59. Assigned to the United States Naval Forces, Europe, Stevens operated out of that port and protected convoys on the Queenstown-Liverpool circuit until mid-December.

60. After the occupation of the Russells, Sands continued to carry troops and supplies and to escort convoys in the New Caledonia-New Hebrides-Solomons area.

61. Although previously allied with the TTP, both Nazir and Bahadur have agreed to allow Pakistani supply convoys pass unimpeded through their territory for now.

62. From Rome as much as 188 tons of food were sent in two big truck convoys across Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland to the former Soviet Union.

63. St. Laurent escorted local convoys while based there, including the convoy carrying half of the 1st Canadian Infantry Division to the UK on 10 December.

64. In the Battle of the Scheldt, the Canadian First Army successfully cleared the area, allowing supply convoys direct access to the port of Antwerp by November 1944.

65. Daring escorted convoys in the Red Sea in October–November 1939 and then returned to the UK in January 1940 for the first time in five years.

66. On the third day (June 7) the IAF destroyed hundreds of Egyptian vehicles trying to flee across the Sinai in convoys and trapped thousands more in narrow Sinai passes.

67. In 1935, at the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War, she escorted various evacuation convoys from Shanghai to Hong Kong and was fired at by the Japanese Navy.

68. Escorting convoys that were from the UK, picking them up in the Bay of Biscay and often taking them through the western part of the Mediterranean Sea towards Malta.

69. According to Article 5.09, vessels and convoys shall be able to take evasive action in good time and the capacity for such action shall be proved by evasive action manoeuvres in the test area in accordance with Article 5.03.

70. About This Game Hunt enemy convoys, battle destroyers, attack land bases, and shoot down aircraft in this long-awaited sequel to "Crash dive". Take command of a Gato-class submarine prowling the South Pacific in search of enemy shipping to sink.

71. Indeed, the disruption of trade, the deterioration of major roads by humanitarian convoys and all the other costs eat up our meagre resources and are the most common source of political unrest among our own people, who feel that they have been abandoned

72. On 20 October she joined an escort group of nine destroyers, a Norwegian corvette and two minesweepers which sailed to the Kola Inlet as part of Operation FR, tasked to bring back merchant ships that had been waiting in Russian ports over the summer while the Arctic Convoys were suspended.

73. It was also suggested that instead of the wording in the addendum, the following wording could be added at the end of the paragraph: “Armed convoys should not be used in the distribution of humanitarian assistance unless there is a decision to that effect by the Security Council.”

74. A Red Admirable butterfly flutters round Shade moments before his death; a green ephemeral trichopteron describes trapezoids over Pnin's bald head at the very end of the synoptic chapters of the book; a hawkmoth convoys Krug out of the novel: "And as Olga's soul, emblemized already in an earlier chapter [Nine], Bombinates in the damp dark at

75. USS Brackett (DE-41) was an Evarts-class destroyer escort of the United States Navy during World War II.She was sent off into the Pacific Ocean to protect convoys and other ships from Japanese submarines and fighter aircraft.She performed escort and anti-submarine operations in dangerous battle areas and sailed home proudly displaying three battle stars.