Use "convolutions" in a sentence

1. The story's fascinating convolutions were inspired by real events.

2. The profound convolutions on the surface of a dried cherry.

3. They do not seem to be adequate to all the convolutions of gendered subjectivities, however.

4. It's a good film, but the plot has so many convolutions that you really have to concentrate.

5. Anfractuosity and Anfractuous are also used in the sense of the sulci, the grooves between the convolutions of the surface of the brain

6. Each kernel filter Convolves on all the feature maps obtained on previous layer, resulting in lots of convolutions, some of which may be redundant

7. The complex channels or convolutions, yes, those crinkles, of your ears add a slight, reflected sound or echo to any sound that you hear.

8. It is the first method to allow for the management of immobile anal prolapses and extensive subanodermal convolutions and is also the first to preserve the entire anoderm.

9. Deflection Bending Stress, EJMA ”S6”, is stress resulting from deformation of the sidewalls of the convolutions caused by the movement of the bellows as it compresses, extends, or Angulates

10. People diagnosed with autism also exhibit abnormal cortical convolutions . Specifically, some of their sulci appear to be deeper and slightly out of place as compared with those of healthy subjects.

11. Here the Hoarfrost River region abuts onto the great Shield-edge lakes - Great Bear, Great Slave, Athabasca, Wollaston, Reindeer, South Indian - famous for their interlocking convolutions of islands and bays.

12. Her roiling feather sculptures juxtapose a gossamer material with discomforting shapes - anguine convolutions seem to be in a state of inexorable constriction, sparking an Asphyxiative emotional reaction

13. Here the region abuts onto the Great Shield-edge lakes - Great Bear, Great Slave, Athabasca, Wollaston, Reindeer, South Indian - famous for their interlocking convolutions of islands and bays.

14. ‘The convolutions of the external ear, particularly the Concha, act to increase or decrease the amplitude of different frequency components of a sound as it passes from the free field to the eardrum.’