Use "contusions" in a sentence

1. Contusions synonyms, Contusions pronunciation, Contusions translation, English dictionary definition of Contusions

2. Splenectomy, brain contusions, collapsed lung.

3. That's not skull, that's contusions.

4. Contusions are common sports injuries

5. The internal contusions are healed.

6. Contusions are what are known as bruises

7. Learn about how bruises, or Contusions, form

8. No ligature marks or contusions at the neck.

9. What does Contusions mean? Information and translations of Contusions in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

10. Contusions may also be complicated by infection

11. 8 I was a mosaic of contusions.

12. Definition of Contusions in the dictionary

13. Bruises (Contusions, ecchymoses) develop when small blood vessels break

14. Contusions are accompanied by pain, swelling, and, frequently, dysfunction.

15. The perineum should be examined for contusions, hematomas, lacerations and urethral bleeding.

16. The orange-brown, scalloped appearance of these lesions is consistent with old contusions.

17. Mild Contusions may go away with the simple passage of time

18. Contusions are one of the most common types of injuries occurring in active children

19. Ecchymoses occur in superficial Contusions, and hematomas are formed with significant extravasation into the soft tissues

20. The most common sites for a Contusions are in the thigh, lower leg, shoulder and arm.

21. 20 to 30 contusions on all sides, including defensive wounds on the hands and the forearms.

22. Contusions are always accompanied by injury to blood vessels and by extravasation into tissues

23. A coronal section through the frontal lobes reveals extensive contusions involving the inferior gyri.

24. Contusions can range from superficial and minor to extremely serious with deep tissue compression and hemorrhage.

25. Muscle Contusions are very common sports injuries, second in frequency in athletes only to muscle strains

26. Contusions are the most common type of Bruises and are typically caused by blunt-force trauma

27. Large phagocytes, however, were found in 50–55% of the mild contusions 48–72 h after head injury.

28. Meanwhile, moderate and severe Contusions may require invasive surgery and/or the use of prescription medication.

29. Contusions represent areas of focal brain damage and are essentially areas of bruising of the brain

30. Age 60, second-and third-degree burns over chest and upper abdomen, facial contusions and possible shoulder fracture.

31. There are three common types of Bruises that can occur based on the severity of an injury: contusions, hematomas and purpura

32. When Contusions are severe, they can cause deep tissue damage – recovery from a severe Contusion injury can take several weeks.

33. When Contusions are severe, they can cause deep tissue damage – recovery from a severe contusion injury can take several weeks

34. 26 In these accidents the air-bag punch-out forces caused a ruptured aorta, rib fractures, severe myocardial contusions, etc.

35. Contusions reveals the body blows dealt by homelessness, violence, child abuse, the health “uncaring” system, and the reluctant acceptance of mortality

36. As Bruises (contusions) heal, usually within 2 to 4 weeks, they often turn colors, including purplish black, reddish blue, or yellowish green

37. As Bruises (contusions) heal, usually within 2 to 4 weeks, they often turn colors, including purplish black, reddish blue, or yellowish green.

38. As Bruises (contusions) heal, usually within 2 to 4 weeks, they often turn colors, including purplish black, reddish blue, or yellowish green

39. As Bruises (contusions) heal, usually within 2 to 4 weeks, they often turn colors, including purplish black, reddish blue, or yellowish green

40. He had multiple bruises and contusions all over his back and stomach, a black eye, and cuts on his head that required stitches.

41. Contusions occur when the brain impacts against the bony protuberances that make up the skull base and, to a lesser extent, areas within the skull vault (Figure 2).A number of studies have shown that, no matter where the point of impact is on the skull, Contusions tend to predominate in the

42. Seen here are remote contusions , mainly of the right inferior frontal lobe. The crests of the gyri are most susceptible to the traumatic forces.

43. Contusion (countable and uncountable, plural Contusions) A wound, such as a bruise, in which the skin is not broken, often having broken blood vessels and discolouration

44. Muscle Contusions occur when an individual receives one or more direct blows, to the body part, falls or jams of a body part against a hard surface

45. Contusions A contusion occurs in a muscle when there has been a direct impact or trauma and is sometimes then referred to as a ‘charley horse’ or a ‘dead leg’

46. In an MRI study, Contusions evidenced a diffuse focus of increased signal intensity within the injured muscle with T2-weighted and short-tau inversion recovery (STIR) sequences

47. General Information Cerebral Contusions are scattered areas of bleeding on the surface of the brain, most commonly along the undersurface and poles of the frontal and temporal lobes

48. Most frequently seen in participants in contact sports such as football, rugby, and lacrosse, muscle Contusions also occur in non-contact sports such as soccer, baseball, and basketball.

49. Contusions are a type of hematoma, which refers to any collection of blood outside of a blood vessel. While the term Contusion might sound serious, it’s just a …

50. Contusions occur when a direct blow or repeated blows by a blunt object strike part of the body, crushing underlying muscle fibers and connective tissue without breaking the skin

51. A Contusion is injury to the muscle, bone or soft tissue of the body. It usually results from blunt force trauma, and certain types of Contusions are simply called bruises

52. Contusions A Contusion occurs in a muscle when there has been a direct impact or trauma and is sometimes then referred to as a ‘charley horse’ or a ‘dead leg’

53. A contusion is injury to the muscle, bone or soft tissue of the body. It usually results from blunt force trauma, and certain types of Contusions are simply called bruises

54. Contusions are a type of hematoma, which refers to any collection of blood outside of a blood vessel. While the term contusion might sound serious, it’s just a medical term for the common bruise.

55. Two kinds of Contusions commonly occur: intermuscular, which is a tearing of a muscle within the sheath that surrounds it; and intramuscular, which is the tearing of both the muscle and sheath.

56. As the Roman soldiers repeatedly struck the victim’s back with full force, the iron balls would cause deep contusions, and the leather thongs and sheep bones would cut into the skin and subcutaneous tissues.

57. ‘Brady also suffered numerous cuts, Abrasions and contusions.’ ‘Superficial cuts, scratches, Abrasions, minor burns, stings and bites will heal with the same treatment.’ ‘Stephen said the medical report showed no Abrasions, lacerations, tears or discharge.’

58. ‘The same mechanisms that produce toe fractures may cause a ligament sprain, Contusion, dislocation, tendon injury, or other soft tissue injury.’ ‘Soft-tissue injuries such as Contusions, strains, and sprains are the most common injuries in Gaelic football, soccer, and rugby.’

59. Guided by an observation of two cases with a bilateral acromial bone and unilateral shoulder troubles after shoulder joint contusions and distorsions, the author discusses the importance of the acromial bone for a diagnosis of shoulder injuries.

60. Certain types of dermatitis (including Atopical) and psoriasis; rheumatism and arthritic pains (up to the 2nd degree of arthritis) torticollis, back pains, muscular pains and cramps, sprains and other contusions; phlebitis, venous ulcerations; hemorrhoids; menstruation pains; cold and sore throat, bronchitis; asthmatic problems with breathing

61. Contusions occur when a direct blow or repeated blows by a blunt object strike part of the body, crushing underlying muscle fibers and connective tissue without breaking the skin. A contusion can result from falling or jamming the body against a hard surface

62. A coup-Contrecoup injury is a term applied to head injuries and most often cerebral contusions and traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage.It refers to the common pattern of injury whereby damage is located both at the site of impact (often less marked) and on the opposite side of the head to the point of maximum external trauma.

63. Brain Contusions are most often caused by an impact to the head, such as those sustained in a car accident, a fall, or a sports-related accident.In some cases the brain is injured right below the site of impact, while in other cases the injury occurs on the opposite side of the impact.

64. Tlce of peace of the Cantoit, accompauied by the municipal officers of Tigery, and by the fnrgeon of Corbeil, who had been called to dress the wounds and contusions of Gilbon & his people,prove the authen.-ticity of the fadls of which I have jult given a feeble (ketch." I mull inform you, citizens, that such is the stupor of the country people,