Use "controlling interest" in a sentence

1. He left the controlling interest of Robbin Industries to you.

2. Atkinson amassed a considerable fortune, eventually holding the controlling interest in the paper he edited.

3. Host Marriott Corp. said it will pay $ 5 million to acquire controlling interest in five hotels.

4. Has “Babylon the Great” sought a controlling interest in the League of Nations and, later, the United Nations?

5. A Buyout is the acquisition of a controlling interest in a company and is used synonymously with the term acquisition

6. If a company buys another company outright, or accumulates enough shares to take a controlling interest, the deal is described as an Acquisition

7. 11 Controlling aggregate demand through controlling interest rates is made even more difficult as a result of fluctuations in the demand for money.

8. The company was organised with James and his partner, Emmanuel Silver, owning a controlling interest, variously described as 51% or 50% plus one share.

9. Availing Availing is when a person who was not disclosed to the Authority has an ownership or other financial/controlling interest in a licensed business

10. Bootstrapping can also refer to a highly-leveraged transaction when an investor acquires a controlling interest in a company, financing the transaction by using the assets of the company as collateral for the loan.

11. Article 4(1) states that concentrations with a Community dimension are to be notified to the Commission not more than one week after the conclusion of the agreement, or the announcement of the public bid, or the acquisition of a controlling interest.