Use "control group" in a sentence

1. Studies rarely include a psychiatric control group.

2. Arr = events in control group minus events in …

3. The control group consisted of 30 healthy subjects.

4. The healthy control group received no additional treatment.

5. The control group was treated with intramuscular injection of Cobamamide.

6. The contraction amplitude had not altered compared to the control group.

7. 18 One patient in the control group died of pulmonary embolism.

8. A control group without active treatment allowed us to compare the results.

9. The control group in the experiment was matched for age and sex.

10. Purulent nasal discharge had statistical difference between biyuanshu group and control group.

11. The basic experimental form has an experimental group and a control group.

12. The results of the absorption studies were compared with a healthy control group.

13. Ads delivered to the control group run in parallel to the optimized ads.

14. Experimental designs always have an independent or cause variable present and a control group.

15. Crude fat digestibility for group and increased 15 % and 92 % compared with control group.

16. A group of young people without Saturday jobs, will act as a control group.

17. Performance improvements were found in the biofeedback groups but not in the control group.

18. The control group consisted of 197 age-matched patients receiving non-cleft orthodontic treatment.

19. The overall length of the maxilla corresponds closely to the value of the control group.

20. The control group only exposed the right middle cerebral artery, but did not occlude it.

21. The treatment group was given Houttuynia eyedrops, and the control group received ofloxacin eye drops.

22. ESR and ESRK were lower than those of control group ( P & lt ; 0.01 and 0.02 ).

23. An additional 9 per 000 celiac patients per year died compared with a control group.

24. The prevalence of alexithymia (TAS-20 ≥61) in AD patients was 22.6% (control group 4.9%).

25. The distribution of ACE gene polymorphism did not differ between patients and the control group.

26. A control group of non-smoking women were compared to four groups of women smokers.

27. The results, on virtually every test, differed markedly from a control group of healthy adults.

28. Safety data also indicated fewer adverse events occurring with the Adhibit group than the control group.

29. Attention is focused on the organization undergoing change, rather than on comparison with any control group.

30. No patient in the control group or in the aftercare group was positive for AFP mRNA.

31. In a control group of aphasics with agraphia but without hemiplegia, these differences were not noted.

32. Typically, 80% of users will be in the optimized group, and 20% in the control group.

33. Some quasi-experimental designs do not include a control group and are therefore much weaker designs.

34. More of the Abecedarians are employed full-time—75 percent versus 53 percent of the control group

35. There is an experimental group and a control group with a before and after set of observations.

36. One group was treated with the new drug, and the control group was given a sugar pill.

37. Initial consultations were Audiotaped. Patients were either provided with the tape (experimental group) or not (control group)

38. The control group consisted of patients who had undergone similar surgery for carcinoma of the right colon.

39. The Control group received 104 units of allogeneic blood and the Study group received 35 units (P = 0.0007).

40. Twenty-three percent of Abecedarians have graduated from college, compared to only six percent of the control group

41. In both of these studies the control group, hospital inpatients and community controls, had unusually high smoking rates.

42. Results: In the acupressure group, 25 patients had PONV compared with 29 patients in the control group (P=NS).

43. 5 Cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) was done in the infection group, and laparotomy only in the control group.

44. 3 Skin flap putrescence in 6 cases of control group conduced prosthesis shift or outside and lack of handle.

45. Lab studies including platelets(PLT) counts and erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR) were both higher than these of control group.

46. For example, instead of receiving vitamin C as the experimental group is doing, the control group receives a placebo.

47. Of these the blood film often revealed erythrocytes with multiple pits unlike in the control group where this was unusual.

48. They were more physically fit, had lost a little body fat and lowered their triglycerides compared to the control group.

49. In the control group all occurred in hospital diabetic clinics whereas for the prompted group 67% occurred in general practice.

50. The control group was treated with an oral triple therapy regimen which had previously been evaluated in a pilot study.

51. Methods: To adopt the technique of Langenbeck Operation plus Cyclic Ligature in 36 palatopharyngeal patients and establish the control group.

52. These differences were mostly caused by the increase in the weights in the treated groups compared with the control group.

53. A control group of mostly 20-something volunteers was less fazed by the interruption; their performance did not drop significantly.

54. Differences are computed, and the program is deemed a success if the experimental group has improved more than the control group.

55. By comparison, only 23 percent of the infants in the control group lived in homes that had suffered recent water damage.

56. RESULTS:Roentgenographic scores and callus density at bone defects in trial group were better than those in control group at postoperative 12weeks.

57. 11 The levels of serum PTH and BAP decreased significantly in the treatment group but not changed in the control group.

58. A questionnaire survey, lung function test and assessment of accumulative exposure index were made in coke oven workers and control group.

59. In the control group, signal increases areas were demonstrated in superior temporal gyri , precentral gyri , cingulate gyri , thalamus, insula and cerebellum.

60. On this basis, the role of quality control group is further arisen to optimize the hospital quality management and improve management efficiency.

61. The patients were randomly allocated to an acupuncture group receiving acupuncture treatment plus routine treatment or a control group receiving routine treatment alone.

62. The number of apoptotic Androgone cells was significantly increased in the low-dose and high-dose groups compared with the corresponding control group

63. We investigated 66 patients suffering from an acute or chronic urticaria and 65 age- and sex-matched healthy patients as a control group.

64. Visual hallucination, hearing hallucination, feeling of being controlled, incongruity of affect and conduct disorder were more common in study group than in control group.

65. Following the operation 46 patients (study group) received ADCON-L application. In another 46 patients (control group), wounds were closed without ADCON-L application.

66. Myocardium zymogram of the 96 infant cases with bronchiolitis were detected by automatic biochemistry analyzer, which were compared with cases in the control group.

67. For this purpose 494 placentas, divided into a normal control group and a pathologic group from patients with toxemia of pregnancy, were systematically examined.

68. The functioning of the puborectal muscle and the external anal sphincter muscle was largely the same in both the study group and the control group.

69. The control group had a higher percentage who accessed job information through word of mouth -- an indicator of the impact of kinship and friendship networks.

70. CT scans of the maxillary Antra in a group of 51 patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma were compared with those of a control group of 50 patients

71. 15 Patients in control group(23 cases) were given sublingual misoprostol tablets, massaging of the uterus, in utero intramuscular injection of carboprost and uterine artery ligation.

72. Methods:A total of 120 primipara accepted companion delivery in our hospital from January to December in 2007 were randomly divided into test and control group randomly.

73. 16 The treatment group(56 cases) received the pulvis of activating blood detumescence pain-relieving external application. The control group(56 cases) were treated with detachable oil.

74. On the opposite, in absence of replicate tanks, the number of fish in the control group should be the same as the number in each test concentration

75. PMN from five women with recurrent abscesses related to the premenstrual phase tended to kill fewerS. aureus 502A than PMN from three women in the control group.

76. Patients in the group that were treated with Adhibit experienced a statistically significant reduction in their mAFS score when compared with those in the Control group (0.8 (+/-) 2.0 Adhibit group versus 2.6 (+/-) 2.2 Control group; p=0.010). "Consistent with preliminary results, we're encouraged and pleased that this data indicates Adhibit is safe and effective," said Dr. Rui Avelar, Chief Medical Officer for Angiotech.

77. Method:253 subjects of anovulia induced barrenness were randomly divided to treated group(129 cases) treated with Qiusi Elixir and control group(124 cases) treated with Clomiphene .

78. Results: The parameters analyzed showed no significant difference between the group of patients with focal lesions in the splenium of the corpus callosum and the control group.

79. Meanwhile, they injected one group of mice with endostatin, another with a different blood-vessel inhibitor called TNP-470 and a control group with an inert saline solution.

80. Transmittable function of intestines of mice in the experimental group and control group was compared with mean mass of feces every day and activated carbon suspension pushing test.