Use "control characters" in a sentence

1. The Ascii table contains letters, numbers, control characters, and other symbols

2. Rich text format contains additional formatting and control characters that will likely cause import errors.

3. A format mask is comprised of control characters representing the various formatting features you can control

4. TWedge is able to handle all control characters like NUL (0-Byte), SOH, STX, DC1, FS, GS, etc.

5. 129 rows  · Ascii control characters (character code 0-31) The first 32 characters in the Ascii-table …

6. The needed for this to ROM located fixed character set contains 96 alphanumeric and control characters and graphic symbols 146.

7. Except for a small number of specifically excluded control characters, any character defined by Unicode may appear within the content of an XML document.

8. Ascii Table - All Ascii codes and symbols with control characters explained, for easy reference - includes conversion tables, codepages and UNICODE, ANSI, EBCDIC and HTML codes

9. Ascii, a standard data-transmission code that is used by smaller and less-powerful computers to represent both textual data (letters, numbers, and punctuation marks) and noninput-device commands (control characters)

10. Usually, a file described as "Ascii" does not contain any special embedded control characters; you can view the contents of the file, change it with an editor, or print it with a printer.

11. Ascii stands for (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), it is basically a file that contains all the characters with assigned codes, but as there aren’t embedded control characters, you can make modifications with a text editor

12. "ASA" is the abbreviation of the American Standards Association, a former name for the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), which has standardized these control characters in ANSI X3.78-1981(R1992) representation of vertical carriage positioning characters in information interchange.

13. Flow control can be performed either by control signal lines in a data communication interface (see serial port and RS-232), or by reserving in-band control characters to signal flow start and stop (such as the ASCII codes for XON/XOFF).