Use "contraceptives" in a sentence

1. Oral contraceptives, smoking, diabetes, obesity.

2. Many Contraceptives Are Really Abortifacients

3. The clinic distributes contraceptives free of charge.

4. The clinic provides a free supply of contraceptives on request.

5. Contraceptives are methods or devices that prevent pregnancy

6. Abortion rates are high because the availability of contraceptives is limited.

7. Unwanted pregnancies and restricted access to family planning information and contraceptives;

8. He does not sell contraception, much less Abortifacient contraceptives at his

9. The use of antibiotics actually reduces the efficiency of oral contraceptives.

10. Progestogen-only contraceptives contain only progesterone or a synthetic analogue (progestin).

11. 2 Contraceptives are hawked through the print media and on billboards.

12. Thiazide diuretics , contraceptives or anabolic steroids will worsen metabolic control .

13. · Number of new acceptors of modern contraceptives per year in supported provinces

14. Another is access to contraceptives, failure in which penalises women more than men.

15. The program supplies more than 30 percent of all couples using reversible contraceptives.

16. And she can decide on her own if she wants to use contraceptives.

17. ▪ How should others view married couples who use contraceptives? —Romans 14:4, 10-13.

18. 3 Oral contraceptives are collectively referred to in common parlance as 'the pill'.

19. I am also calling for family planning, including access to effective contraceptives and safe abortions.

20. Aetna, the insurer, will now provide students with free Abortifacients and contraceptives,” Sycamore Trust’s newsletter reported

21. This video focuses on 2 main categories of Contraceptives: physical barriers and hormonal contr

22. He calculated how many deaths occur in the US by way of Abortifacient contraceptives

23. What exactly is Abortifacient birth control? Essentially, Abortifacients are contraceptives that actually can cause early abortion

24. The combination of estrogen-and/or progesterone-based contraceptives and INTELENCE can be used without dose adjustment

25. This Blotchy darkening of the skin is associated with hormone changes and can happen to women taking oral contraceptives

26. The absence of an interaction between oral contraceptives and orlistat has been demonstrated in specific drug-drug interaction studies

27. In Griswold, we held that the Constitution does not permit a State to forbid a married couple to use contraceptives.

28. Many “contraceptives” act as an abortifacient, weakening the endometrium so that it is unable to nurture the embryo.

29. Abstract PIP: An estimate is made of the relative use of the various Contraceptive methods--IUDs, sterilization, oral Contraceptives (OCs), condoms, injectable Contraceptives, abortion, and other Contraceptive products approved for general use but only available in limited supply--in China at this time

30. But confounding the two allows the contraception industry to market Abortifacient drugs as 'contraceptives' to an unsuspecting public." 2

31. Church officials and others have argued that because these three contraceptives are Abortifacients, the government is forcing them to participate …

32. Opposition to contraception is often reinforced by religious teachings and the fear that contraceptives will encourage wives to be unfaithful.

33. Contrary to the strained arguments of pro-abortion-rights advocates, contraceptives often function as Abortifacients, destroying living human embryos.

34. Would we allow the police to search the sacred precincts of marital bedrooms for telltale signs of the use of contraceptives?

35. Broad access to contraceptives and abortion means broad access to pleasure, creativity and profound interpersonal connection outside the confines of the conservative dogmas.

36. The list of contraindications for oral contraceptives in women going through the menopause transition is the same as that for premenopausal women .

37. Women leaving the obstetrical unit receive booklets on “Postnatal Depression”, “Physical Activity after Childbirth”, “Addictions and Family”, “Contraceptives” and other literature.

38. Big drop-offs in the use of contraceptives occur when women have to invest more time and traverse greater distances to get them.

39. Therefore , oral contraceptives are often given to women in the menopause transition to regulate menstrual periods , relieve hot flashes , as well as to provide contraception .

40. ‘This Directive shall not affect the application of national legislation prohibiting or restricting the sale, supply or use of medicinal products as contraceptives or abortifacients.

41. This Directive shall not affect the application of national legislation prohibiting or restricting the sale, supply or use of medicinal products as contraceptives or abortifacients

42. This Directive shall not affect the application of national legislation prohibiting or restricting the sale, supply or use of medicinal products as contraceptives or abortifacients.

43. They are generally treated as wild animals, given no more or less assistance than other species on the island, other than to be treated with contraceptives to prevent overpopulation.

44. - the right of Member States to apply national legislation on the sale, supply or use of medicinal products as contraceptives or abortifacients (Article 4(4) of Directive 2001/83/EC);

45. In a family planning clinic, on the other hand, an employee's unwillingness to participate on religious grounds in medical services involving contraceptives that can be characterized as Abortifacients, or involving sterilization procedures

46. Wildlife groups have slammed a move by an Indian state to give contraceptives to domesticated elephants to control their numbers, saying it would hurt the pachyderm population already under threat.

47. They might believe that a vasectomy and tubal ligation can be viewed as being in the same category as oral contraceptives, condoms, and diaphragms —methods that can be discontinued if a pregnancy is desired.

48. Knucklebone dispending ugg boots sale toluidino bakshishes uggs clearance unparadoxical kye explosibility tesvino trochantine promajority mildred asst unisexed exothermically demurrable homelovingness dharmakaya outtongued unmelodised Antiaristocratical hypognathous purgeable boldfacedly unobtainableness neocubist contraceptives matriarchies spur gestalter gaited …

49. It has since adopted the anti-artificial contraception position of the current administration and after it had invited foreign researchers who studied the emergency contraceptives and claimed these act as abortifacients.

50. When 16-year-old Natalie first started dating her boyfriend, her mother did something that would mortify most American parents: She took her to the doctor's office to get her contraceptives.

51. Costed Implementation Plans Guidance and Lessons Learned At the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning, global leaders made new commitments of $2.6 billion to help deliver contraceptives to an additional 120 million women by 2020

52. These risks of oral contraceptives were dramatized in the 1969 book The Doctors' Case Against the Pill by feminist journalist Barbara Seaman who helped arrange the 1970 Nelson Pill Hearings called by Senator Gaylord Nelson.

53. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), abortion rates are similar in countries where the procedure is legal and in countries where it is not, due to unavailability of modern contraceptives in areas where abortion is illegal.

54. It is generally accepted that the health risks of oral contraceptives are lower than those from pregnancy and birth, and "the health benefits of any method of contraception are far greater than any risks from the method".

55. Four variables were significantly associated with HIV infection after adjusting for confounders by logistic regression analysis: previous work in an area of high HIV prevalence, working in Khon Kaen less than one month, a low price charged for sex and using injectable contraceptives.

56. 40 Indeed, it should be noted, first, that ‘contraceptives or abortifacients’ are subject to a special regime under Directive 2001/83, since the Member States are authorised by Article 4(4) thereof to apply to those products their own restrictive rules.

57. The possible killing of thousands of babies, girls and boys, --by their own mothers, and supported by the State-- through the approval and distribution of Abortifacients masquerading as contraceptives, will weigh heavily on the consciences of our generation of Filipino citizens, both women and men.

58. It is alarmed by the steep decrease in the use of contraceptives since the international community suspended its supply in # and by the consequent rise in the rate of abortions, which appears to be the most widespread method of family planning within the State party

59. Birth Control / Abortifacients Natural & Harmless Birth Control Methods Every Woman Should Know These two natural birth control methods don’t involve the use of barriers like diaphragms or condoms or the use of chemicals such as spermicides, oral contraceptive pills, “emergency contraceptives,” or abortifacient birth control drugs.

60. Substances that may reduce the blood-glucose-lowering effect include corticosteroids, danazol, diazoxide, diuretics, glucagon, isoniazid, oestrogens and progestogens (e. g. in oral contraceptives), phenothiazine derivatives, somatropin, sympathomimetic agents (e. g. epinephrine [ adrenaline ], salbutamol, terbutaline), thyroid hormones, protease inhibitors and atypical antipsychotic medicinal products (e. g. olanzapine and clozapine

61. “Champ not only wants to do away with the awkwardness that comes with buying contraceptives, it hopes to reposition condoms as an aspirational health and wellness staple.” Read the article “It’s the 21st century….and it’s about time there was a new way to buy condoms and lubes without the Walk of Shame.

62. 39 That conclusion is not affected by the argument that, in essence, that interpretation is at odds with the intention of the legislature, which designated as medicinal products in Article 4(4) of Directive 2001/83 ‘contraceptives or abortifacients’, even though such products modify physiological functions without being such as to entail a beneficial effect for human health.

63. While noting that some efforts were undertaken by the State party in the area of reproductive health, including the publication and dissemination of booklets on sexual education and reproductive rights, the Committee remains concerned at the remaining high rate of abortion and the limited access of girls and women to methods of family planning, including contraceptives, especially among women in rural areas.

64. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS (ALL TYPES) – Acute or chronic sinusitis – Abuse of nose drops – Abuse of drugs or solvents (e.g., cocaine, gas, glue) – Foreign body in nares – Nasal polyps – Deviated septum – Hypothyroidism as a cause of the nasal congestion – Nasal congestion induced by pregnancy or use of oral contraceptives COMPLICATIONS (ALL TYPES) – – – – – Otitis media Nasal polyps Epistaxis Enlargement of tonsils and adenoids Sinusitis

65. The close connection which exists, in mentality, between the practice of contraception and that of abortion is becoming increasingly obvious. It is being demonstrated in an alarming way by the development of chemical products, intrauterine devices and vaccines which, distributed with the same ease as contraceptives, really act as abortifacients in the very early stages of the development of the life of the new human being.

66. "Ever more clearly there emerges the strict connection which, at the level of mentality, exists between the practice of contraception and that of abortion. This is demonstrated in an alarming way also by the development of chemical preparations, intrauterine devices and injections which, distributed with the same ease as contraceptives, in reality act as abortifacients in the initial stages of development of the new human being" (John Paul II, Enc.