Use "contemporaries" in a sentence

1. But this was not clear to contemporaries.

2. Contemporaries certainly regarded them in this light.

3. He and I were contemporaries at school.

4. Oh, how puny my contemporaries seem by comparison!

5. Rolle made a great impression on his contemporaries.

6. She and I were contemporaries at college.

7. The two men were exact contemporaries at university.

8. Contemporaries tried to explain this in terms of Cricketing metaphors

9. Give or take a few years, they are contemporaries.

10. Unlike many of their contemporaries, Vicky and Frederick rejected antisemitism.

11. Contemporaries of, but a different group from the American Artless.

12. Oswald was much admired by his contemporaries at the Academy.

13. Atkins is still working, long after many of his contemporaries have retired.

14. To most of his contemporaries Blake was a nutter or simply inept.

15. Like most of my contemporaries, I grew up in a vastly different world.

16. His boldness was to have a significant influence on one of his contemporaries.

17. Her paintings are second - rate productions, alongside those of some of her contemporaries.

18. Unlike these contemporaries, he seems to have concentrated mainly on urban centres.

19. 12. (a) Like their forebears, in what wrongdoing did Ezekiel’s contemporaries engage?

20. The following portrait sketches by contemporaries are, there-fore, of special interest.

21. The murder has never been Conclusively solved, and Richard's contemporaries widely suspected his involvement.

22. Because of its accuracy, the map was much admired by many of Mercator’s contemporaries.

23. Noah was a righteous man, Blameless among his contemporaries; Noah walked with God.

24. Our contemporaries seem unaware they are facing the age-old demon of Acedia.

25. Enoch lived 365 years —not nearly as long as most of his contemporaries.

26. The justification for Gloucester's assumption of power confused contemporaries and has continued to arouse controversy.

27. 29 Wang Wei's contemporaries and lots of followers as well absorbed his nimbus and essence.

28. What mattered here was how contemporaries chose to describe the events that happened in 1688-

29. Even among his contemporaries he was acknowledged as a teacher of exceptional influence and popularity.

30. Confessions twice-planned unrealistic pathogenicity Woodsum decussating contemporaries superencipherment un-Eucharistic sycophancies Alumnol crypted

31. In these articles, we will examine Bible accounts of King David and his contemporaries.

32. Peter was clearly a good deal less intimidated than some of his fledgling contemporaries.

33. Their fans would say that they consistently outshone their indie contemporaries Blur and Oasis.

34. The sources Arrian selected were Ptolemy 1 I and Aristobulus, contemporaries and actors in the events

35. Like so many of his contemporaries, Golovin was an equal - opportunity sadist who killed his own.

36. Synonyms for Coevals include contemporaries, peers, compeers, fellows, equals, brothers, equivalents, coordinates, matches and rivals

37. (Genesis 5:27) Both Methuselah and Lamech had been contemporaries of the first man, Adam.

38. Contemporaries expected that Austria-Hungary would wrench itself from the Habsburg yoke upon his death.

39. The reality of Citrine's position was somewhat less dramatic than was sometimes imagined by contemporaries.

40. It is true that among her contemporaries she passed for a young woman of profundity.

41. Thus we see that Ezra in writing Chronicles wished to strengthen his contemporaries in fidelity to Jehovah.

42. Constantine was the most dominating figure of his lifetime, towering over his contemporaries, including Pope Sylvester I

43. But those are experiences which Clinton and his contemporaries in leadership know only from the history books.

44. On the few occasions she'd spent holidays at home she'd been a social outcast among her contemporaries.

45. Among his contemporaries Apollonius suffers from a comparison with Theocritus, who was a little his senior

46. 19 Unlike many of his contemporaries, Prendergast did not embrace the more conservative aspects of Impressionism.

47. But because it was idealistic it was the more persuasive when he preached it to his young contemporaries.

48. The simplest explanation for his achievements lies in his greater ability and superiority over his contemporaries at university.

49. In short, he begins to display precisely the comportment his contemporaries would have expected of their rightful king.

50. His contemporaries believed he made his sister-in-law take out substantial life insurance and then poisoned her.

51. I did make my escape from Roundhay - by a route taken by many of my contemporaries: higher education.

52. Synonyms for Coequals include peer group, classmates, cohort, contemporaries, equals, generation, age group, colleagues, compeers and fellowship

53. Several of his contemporaries who worked closely with him tried to describe the personality of Louis XV.

54. The appointment of Valuev was not quite the retrograde step that some contemporaries thought it to be.

55. 25 His contemporaries believed he made his sister-in-law take out substantial life insurance and then poisoned her.

56. Charles had been Lord of the Scaffold since 16 contemporaries describing him as a gentle and even-tempered man.

57. The problem was considered particularly vexing because, as the research of contemporaries showed, it affected middle class women most.

58. Her attitude toward individual patrons sets her beyond most of her contemporaries in defending the integrity of her work.

59. Obviously if they are bigger Bodied it simply means they have more of it relative to their contemporaries.

60. His contemporaries in the Royal Society of London acknowledged his "command of almost every department of physical science".

61. Contemporaries distrusted them in the belief that they brought an unsavoury speculative element to the market in stocks.

62. (4) The next track, ‘Space Age Ballad,’ is a haunting acoustic number that recalls contemporaries Ghost and their psychedelic Balladry .

63. Many contemporaries believed that Richard was unwilling to wait until the two Kings had completed their long-drawn-out preparations.

64. (4) The next track, ‘Space Age Ballad,’ is a haunting acoustic number that recalls contemporaries Ghost and their psychedelic Balladry .

65. The Aztec derived much of their religious ideology from the earlier cultures of Meso-America or from their contemporaries

66. The reading, “The Necessity of De-Anglicising Ireland” by Douglas Hyde had such a powerful effect on his contemporaries

67. These acts of engraving of tools are one of the features that differentiates the Aurignacian peoples from their predecessors and contemporaries

68. Other parts of my argument derive from Malinowski, Mauss and Levi-Strauss, as well as from various of my younger contemporaries.

69. 8 Different from his contemporaries who held Eurocentric view of historiography, he accepted and introduced mathematical contributions of non-western traditions.

70. The pagan contemporaries of Constantine were not wrong in saying that he had carried through a huge religious and social revolution.

71. The purely Byronic is thus—in spite of its hold upon contemporaries—a mere outline sketch for the truly Byronian

72. 7 Charles had been Lord of the Scaffold since 16 contemporaries describing him as a gentle and even-tempered man.

73. War has had a searchlight effect on historians as well as contemporaries, rendering the area outside the beam yet more obscure.

74. Most Contemporaries will not make the transition; they will merely become dated and irrelevant and will eventually go out of print.

75. Coevals - all the people living at the same time or of approximately the same age contemporaries, generation people - any group of human beings

76. She soon met French engineer André Blouin, one of Charles' contemporaries, who was on assignment for the French Bureau of Mines.

77. Ianthe was the only child of elderly parents, who seemed to be a whole generation removed from those of her contemporaries.

78. Biopics allow filmmakers to humanize our myths, mythologize our contemporaries, re-evaluate history at a fundamentally human level, and catalogue our present so …

79. This would differentiate it from its contemporaries such as MS-DOS, which use a command-line interface consisting of tersely abbreviated textual commands.

80. The copious footnotes to the recipes in this book were believed by his contemporaries to have been written by Sir Walter Scott.