Use "consolation prize" in a sentence

1. Ten runners-up received a T-shirt as a consolation prize.

2. Dying a hero is as good a consolation prize as any.

3. 7 Ten runners-up received a T-shirt as a consolation prize.

4. Her appointment was seen as a consolation prize after she lost the election.

5. A Consolation prize isn't as good as first prize, but it's better than nothing

6. The consolation prize for picking four of six numbers in Lotto also is predetermined.

7. 4 Her appointment was seen as a consolation prize after she lost the election.

8. 28 She missed out on the top job, but as a consolation prize was made deputy chairman.

9. Having "absolved" Serbia from the principal crime, the ICJ offered a sort of "consolation prize" to Bosnia, affirming that the killings in Srebrenica had the character of genocide – a conclusion already reached by the ICTY.

10. At $50 a pop, the virtual New York and Boston race registration fees are at best a small financial Consolation prize for the two organizers, which normally rake in tens of millions of dollars from their marquee marathons.

11. A prize version of Bunco can consist of the hostess accumulating a set of silly prizes or nice items and then award winning levels of: most Buncos, most wins, most losses, most mini Buncos, 50% wins & 50% losses, and sometimes a consolation prize for one or more other kinds