Use "connotations" in a sentence

1. Connotations are different than denotations in that Connotations are always unique to individuals

2. The connotations of degree of Consanguinity …

3. A word with negative/positive Connotations

4. Connotations to enrich and convey meaning; c

5. The word “childlike” has Connotations of innocence.

6. Hampered by Connotations and multiple denotations; c

7. Connotations are not literal meanings of words

8. Betrothal and engagement have very different connotations

9. • "Bermuda" with its Connotations of fun …

10. Chinos are fast shaking off their preppy connotations

11. Connotations can also be used to: Write a multidimensional text

12. The word Cohesion, however, has acquired two connotations

13. Tattling is a negative word with negative connotations.

14. Connotations can either be positive, neutral, or negative

15. For many people, the word “fat” has negative Connotations.

16. For many people, the word “fat” has negative Connotations

17. Cult is often associated with pejorative and negative connotations.

18. The word " armchair " has connotations of comfort and relaxation.

19. The Connotations of the name court are generally impressive

20. The word 'professional' has connotations of skill and excellence.

21. Words have both denotations (literal meanings) and Connotations (suggestive meanings)

22. Words often share the same denotation but have different Connotations.

23. The terms "sophist" and "sophistry" have taken on derogatory connotations in modern times.

24. To understand Connotations completely, you should first understand the term denotation.

25. In rhetoric negative Connotations are used to deceive the people unethically

26. The concept of celibacy carries connotations of asceticism and religious fervor.

27. It's just one of those words that's got so many negative connotations.

28. Many characteristics of internet language implicate post - modern values and cultural connotations.

29. Connotations can have negative, neutral or positive implications on a term

30. During this period, the term Zucht und Ordnung generally had positive connotations.

31. According to Gerhard Casper: "Constitutionalism has both descriptive and prescriptive connotations

32. Without knowing the denotations and Connotations of words, we cannot communicate correctly.

33. Certain job titles carry negative Connotations, so we are constantly changing titles

34. High, cake, " euphony, "nine, a long time, " homophonic, are auspicious connotations meaning.

35. 7 Different connotations can be presented in different aesthetic explanations to "dehumanization".

36. Through their Connotations, words set a tone and can reveal hidden opinions, attitudes, or judgments.

37. The references to Bees and Honey in the Bible are plentiful and have different connotations

38. Connotations are basically present in every sentence that we hear, write, and speak

39. Around the 14th century these meanings began to change, taking on more positive connotations.

40. 22 The terms "sophist" and "sophistry" have taken on derogatory connotations in modern times.

41. Before using and manipulating Connotations, students must first know how to define them

42. The Times Literary Supplement (2013) The connotations of the term 'Crookback' need some …

43. Most Apparitions manifest or appear without warning and are often give religious connotations

44. 2 The patricide plot in The Brothers Karamazov carries complicated philosophical and theological connotations.

45. 18 But thinness, as opposed to slimness, also carries connotations of weightlessness and emptiness.

46. In Mythologies Barthes discusses advertisements for Omo and Persil in terms of the connotations they invoke.

47. Some modern scholars say that there are connotations of pedophilia in this fairy tale.

48. Synonyms for Connotations include undertones, nuance, implication, flavor, flavour, inference, suggestion, hints, intimations and undercurrents

49. Any negative connotations of Amenable would be connected to a general susceptibility to the control of others

50. The word 'lady' has connotations of refinement and excessive femininity that some women find offensive.

51. As words change and shift in meaning over time, Connotations will move much faster than denotations

52. 24 I thought it an apt and correct description, with its connotations of inertia and lifelessness.

53. It was also a positive term with none of the negative connotations of Nonconformist or Dissenter.

54. The following words and phrases all refer to a young person, but their Connotations may be quite different depending, in part, on the context in which they appear: youngster, child, kid, little one, small fry, squirt, brat, urchin, juvenile, minor.Some of these words tend to carry favorable Connotations (little one), others unfavorable Connotations (brat), and still

55. • A whole group of Connotations, arising from our knowledge of the drug culture, then settles on the music

56. Connotations are perceptions or feelings a word conveys, which are distinct from the actual meaning of the words

57. Connotations is a classical music composition for symphony orchestra written by American composer Aaron Copland.

58. Synonyms for Acceptations include meanings, purports, significances, senses, messages, denotations, connotations, intents, implications and imports

59. Connotations are the meanings of the words that are associated with the emotional and imaginative part

60. The ending -ish often has unfavorable connotations; Childish therefore refers to characteristics that are undesirable and …

61. Literacy will continue to depend upon the power to decipher words and to decode their connotations.

62. Put more broadly: figurative language often functions at the Connotative level, and involve writers mixing connotations across words, or using the connotations of one word or image to create a new understanding of a different word or image

63. • The portrait is an endlessly interesting example, a theme redolent with social Connotations and artistic references.

64. As such, the image of the Cossack is one which often carries with it powerful, martial connotations

65. Connotative Words Examples of how words with similar meanings can have positive, neutral or negative connotations (feelings)

66. "limousine Liberal Orthodoxy, Bigoted connotations, bigots, dog whistle, Emails, hate groups, premeditated act, protests, racist overtones, Ridgewood schools

67. Can be seen everywhere on campus celebrity of Painting, epigram, motto, displayed a rich cultural connotations.

68. The portrait is an endlessly interesting example, a theme redolent with social connotations and artistic references.

69. ‘But the Connotations of the word in English are not completely absent from these images.’ ‘Some of their words seemed to carry Connotations that I was never able to recognize.’ ‘‘Sanctity’ is a word with a religious connotation; it means ‘holy or religiously sacred.’’

70. Corpulent: ( ō-bēs' ), Negative or pejorative connotations of this word may render it offensive in some contexts

71. Knowing which Connotations follow each word you use is key to understanding how to use a language properly

72. Connotations can be both positive and negative; for example, lady carries a hint of both elegance and subservience.

73. There, we review why connotation is so important, and demonstrate the positive, neutral and negative Connotations of words

74. THE MAN IN COURT FREDERIC DEWITT WELLS There are Connotations about the word challenge which are essentially dramatic

75. Connotations may not appear in a dictionary, yet they are equally important to understanding and using the word

76. Even the religious objects connected with Baal, like the sacred pillars and sacred poles, had sexual connotations.

77. In Ottoman Turkish, it also carries the connotations of "generation", "offspring", and "family lineage"; in short, "kin".

78. In general Valentines Day Flowers are a romantic gift , but these flowers hold more romantic connotations than others .

79. Abel, the name of Adam and Eve's unfortunate younger son, compensates with positive connotations: capable, competent, ready and willing

80. Frequently, “please be Advised” has negative connotations because it is associated with a warning that precedes some negative information