Use "conjunctiva" in a sentence

1. Other articles where Bulbar conjunctiva is discussed: human eye: The conjunctiva: …the eyeball is called the Bulbar conjunctiva

2. It is divided into 3 parts, Palpebral or tarsal Conjunctiva, Bulbar or ocular Conjunctiva, and Fornix Conjunctiva

3. Conjunctiva: A thin, clear, moist membrane that coats the inner surfaces of the eyelids (palpebral Conjunctiva) and the outer surface of the eye (ocular, or bulbar, Conjunctiva).Inflammation of the Conjunctiva is called conjunctivitis ().

4. Other articles where Conjunctiva is discussed: eyelid: …the normal functioning of the Conjunctiva and cornea

5. Conjunctivitis definition, inflammation of the Conjunctiva

6. The Conjunctiva is a loose connective tissue that covers the surface of the eyeball (bulbar Conjunctiva) and reflects back upon itself to form the inner layer of the eyelid (palpebral Conjunctiva).

7. It is itself composed of the limbal Conjunctiva, which is fused with the episclera at the limbus and the scleral Conjunctiva, which extends from the limbal Conjunctiva to the fornix.

8. Conjunctiva Leer en Español: Conjuntiva

9. Chemosis of the Conjunctiva is a type of eye inflammation

10. The part covering the sclera is called the bulbar Conjunctiva.

11. In addition, the Conjunctiva secretes the mucin

12. The Conjunctiva is a highly vascular membrane

13. The Conjunctiva is about five-cells thick

14. The Conjunctiva is a translucent vascularized mucous membrane

15. Key Features • Solid mass or discrete lesion of Conjunctiva

16. (2) That lining the eyeball is the bulbar Conjunctiva

17. The conjunctiva and Tenon's capsule are then closed together.

18. The Conjunctiva is the transparent mucous membrane that covers the posterior surface of the lids and the anterior surface of the eyeball as far as the cornea; therefore it is distinguished, respectively, as palpebral Conjunctiva or ocular (scleral) Conjunctiva

19. Bulbar Conjunctiva: covers visible surface of the globe (except cornea).

20. The blood comes from broken blood vessels under the Conjunctiva

21. Medical definition of subConjunctival: situated or occurring beneath the Conjunctiva.

22. • Eyes: conjunctiva, PERRLA (pupils equal, round, reactive to light, accommodation)

23. There is a direct supply of blood to the Conjunctiva.

24. The Conjunctiva may be divided into three parts: the bulbar or ocular Conjunctiva, which lines the sclera, or the white of the eye; the palpebral or tarsal

25. Conjunctiva covers the surface of the globe (except cornea) and posterior eyelids

26. The Conjunctiva contributes to the tear film and protects the eye from foreign objects and infection

27. The tunica Conjunctiva consists of an epithelial layer and a connective-tissue base.

28. Exposure of HgSO4 to the eyes can cause ulceration of conjunctiva and cornea.

29. Your Conjunctiva is especially vulnerable to injuries because it’s on your outer eye

30. The Conjunctiva is the clear lining that covers the white part of your eye

31. Avitaminosis A causes changes in the epithelial layer of the conjunctiva and the cornea

32. This field of specialization encompasses all disorders of the Cornea, sclera, conjunctiva and eyelids

33. The Conjunctiva has important roles in tear dynamics, immunologic protection, ocular movement, and corneal healing

34. Inflammation of the Conjunctiva is called conjunctivitis.It makes the white of the eye look red.

35. Nerve fibres reached the conjunctiva either in small nerves or in the adventitia of arterioles.

36. Conjunctiva definition, the mucous membrane that lines the exposed portion of the eyeball and inner surface of the eyelids

37. The part lining the inner surface of the eyelids is called the palpebral or tarsal Conjunctiva

38. The overwhelming part of the anterior eye ball around the cornea is covered by the Conjunctiva

39. 1 It may be divided into three portions: the bulbar Conjunctiva, including the corneoConjunctival limbus, which covers the sclera in the anterior part of the eyeball; the superior, inferior and lateral Conjunctival fornices; and the palpebral Conjunctiva, including the mucocutaneous

40. The Conjunctiva is made up of stratified columnar epithelium, and nonkeratinized, stratified squamous epithelium with goblet cells

41. The Conjunctiva is a clear layer of cells that covers the eye and directly contacts the atmosphere

42. In regards to epiphora, conjunctivochalasis is hypothesized to contribute in two ways: First, the reduplicated folds of Conjunctiva disrupt the inferior tear lake (Figures 1 and 2) and, second, the Conjunctiva itself can cause a mechanical blockage of the inferior punctum

43. Tenon’s capsule is a sheath that surrounds the eyeball and merges with the Conjunctiva in the limbal area

44. Effects of unilateral exposure to Anisotonic conditions on diffusional water permeability of the isolated rabbit conjunctiva were determined

45. • The surface layers of the outer part of the eyeball (the cornea and the conjunctiva) absorb UVB rays.

46. The features of CCF were also resolved, which included proptosis, ophthalmoplegia, chemotic conjunctiva, orbital bruit and fundus changes.

47. A perpendicular incision is made through a conjunctiva of the eye to access a trabecular meshwork of the eye.

48. The Conjunctiva is a thin, transparent mucous membrane lining the white of the eye and the inside of the eyelid

49. A fibrovascular growth of the Actinally damaged conjunctiva that invades a portion of the cornea from the limbus is a

50. It is related to the cornea via the epithelial cell border which is continuous between the Conjunctiva and the cornea

51. Conjunctival Concretions (Conjunctival lithiasis) are small vascular, granular, yellowish-white deposits being produced due to conjunctival degeneration and are found in the sub-epithelium of palpebral conjunctiva and fornix (junction between palpebral and bulbar conjunctiva) in the elderly group or in patients with chronic inflammatory conditions.

52. Adenoviruses (AdVs) are DNA viruses that typically cause mild infections involving the upper or lower respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, or conjunctiva

53. Because it is loosely attached to the episclera, the bulbar Conjunctiva is a useful tissue to graft to weakened, ulcerated corneas.

54. 1 An intact Conjunctiva forms a barrier to entrance of infectious organisms and provides immune surveillance and immunoreactivity for antigenic stimuli

55. Bulbar: Pertaining to a bulb, in medicine any rounded mass of tissue (that is shaped somewhat like a crocus or tulip bulb). For example, the Bulbar conjunctiva is that part of the conjunctiva, a clear membrane of the eye, which covers the outer rounded surface of the eye

56. The Conjunctiva is composed of a non-keratinizing stratified columnar epithelium and an underlying layer of loose connective tissue, the substantia propria

57. Conjunctiva is a fine, translucent mucous membrane that joins and covers the anterior surface of eyeball and posterior side of the eyelids

58. The main stem cell niche is localized in the limbus that forms the border between the Avascularised cornea and the vascularised conjunctiva

59. Before injection, all patients received Oxybuprocain eyedrops for anesthesia of the conjunctiva. In all cases no separate injections for lid akinesia were performed.

60. Swelling of the Conjunctiva can lead the eye to become irritated and presents as the outer surface looking watery or gelatinous in appearance

61. The Conjunctiva is a thin membrane that covers the inner surface of the eyelid and the white part of the eyeball (the sclera)

62. Conjunctiva definition is - the mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelids and is continued over the forepart of the eyeball.

63. Animals excrete infected urine in soil or water and may cause human infections through Abrased wound, mucosa, conjunctiva, or by swallowing contaminated water

64. With a large Bleb, or a Bleb sur-rounded by scar tissue, there may not be sufficient healthy adjacent conjunctiva to cover the Bleb

65. 28 Because lachrymal bursa flesh breaks down, reach the reason such as conjunctivitis, inside next conjunctiva bursa, often tear accumulates sluggish or spill over.

66. Index Terms Starting With 'C' (Caruncle) Index Terms Starting With 'C' (Caruncle) Caruncle (inflamed) conjunctiva (acute) - see Conjunctivitis, acute; labium N90.89 (majus) (minus) ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code N90.89

67. Between the Bulbar and the palpebral conjunctiva there are two loose, redundant portions forming recesses that project back toward the equator of the globe

68. Seven of 38 patients using one batch of acyclovir ointment developed minor punctate staining with Bengal rose on the lower third of the bulbar conjunctiva.

69. Pink eye, also called conjunctivitis, is a infection of the eye's Conjunctiva usually caused by a bacteria or virus that results in red, itchy, painful eyes

70. Conjunctiva (plural Conjunctivas or Conjunctivae) ( anatomy ) A clear mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelid and the exposed surface of the eyeball or sclera

71. It is usually a discrete lesion on the Conjunctiva (the clear film over the eye) and can range from dark brown to yellow color, and many times will contain clear cystic components

72. The clinical entity known as contact lens-induced acute red eye, or Clare, is an inflammatory reaction of the cornea and conjunctiva associated with overnight contact lens wear

73. Conjunctivitis, inflammation of the Conjunctiva, the delicate mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelids and covers the front part of the white of the eye

74. A Bleb with an overt leak in the conjunctiva makes infection even easier--it’s a free ride into the eye from bacteria living around the eyelids and tears

75. Definition Spectrum of malignant and benign neoplasms, choristomas, and hamartomas arising from or occurring within the Conjunctiva, and nonneoplastic epibulbar tumors frequently misdiagnosed clinically as a Conjunctival malignant neoplasm

76. The Conjunctiva extends from the corneal limbus over the eye ball and, by forming the (upper and lower) fold of the fornix, onto the posterior surface of the eye lids.

77. Eye Allergies, also known as allergic conjunctivitis, occur when the protective outer covering of the eye and eyelid, called the conjunctiva, becomes swollen and inflamed due to allergens or irritants.

78. The Conjunctiva is a mucous membrane that plays a critical role in maintaining ocular health by forming a smooth, flexible, and protective sac covering the pericorneal surface of the eye

79. Complications of cryotherapy: damage to Conjunctiva, cornea, iris, Conjunctival chemosis, subConjunctival hemorrhage, sclera/corneal tissue loss, ciliary body damage and hypotony, damage to eyelids, uvea, extraocular muscles, dry eyes, sclera melt

80. The Conjunctiva is the membrane that lines the eyelid and loops back to cover the sclera (the tough white fiber layer covering the eye), right up to the edge of the cornea (the clear layer in front of the iris and pupil—see Structure and Function of the Eyes).The Conjunctiva helps protect the eye by keeping small foreign objects and infection-causing microorganisms out and by contributing to