Use "coneflowers" in a sentence

1. Pair Asters in the natural garden with coneflowers and goldenrod for a striking display

2. Here at our garden nursery, we combine Cannas with spring bulbs, baptisia, daylilies, coneflowers, cuphea, and ornamental grasses

3. A great choice for cottage gardens, Coreopsis seeds pair well with other prairie flowers like coneflowers and gaillardia .

4. Coneflowers Seeds - Clasping Coneflower SeedsClasping Coneflower is a close cousin to Black-Eyed Susan, and is just as adaptable

5. Beardtongue plants typically bloom in early summer, filling that gap between the end of spring bulbs and the maturing of summer flowers like coneflowers, yarrow, and coreopsis

6. Mixing the old with the new, she leaves established azaleas, hostas and other conventional garden plants but surrounds them with common milkweed, swamp milkweed, butterfly weed, echinacea, coneflowers, Bonesets, blue mistflowers, cardinal flower, violets, red-twig dogwoods, ironweed, asters, pussytoes and many more species that feed