Use "condescended to" in a sentence

1. He occasionally condescended to take bribes.

2. I never feel Condescended to which is so nice

3. To be thus Condescended to by heathen savages was intolerable

4. She at last condescended to evince awareness of his proximity.

5. He Condescended to send something which had already appeared somewhere else

6. The president of the company Condescended to having dinner with the cleaning staff

7. She actually condescended to say hello to me in the street today.

8. Of position have Condescended to allow such a proceeding?: Even ditz Condescended to show his dexterity, as a juggler, with empty bottles.: He was stiff and donnish, and had scarcely

9. • Yet, although we Condescended to those around, middle-class people weren't enthusiastic about us

10. He Condescended to take oath that he had not done this thing which they imputed to him.: She felt the indecorum of the posture he had Condescended to take, and was shocked.: We may wonder now-a-days would any K.C

11. They were shouted down, they were insulted, they were Condescended to, but they acted peacefully and graciously, thanking cops for the work they were doing

12. This was music by, for, and about a whole new group of young people who had been overlooked, ignored, or condescended to."

13. To behave in a patronizing or superior manner toward someone: Viewed as a popularizer more than a scholar, he was Condescended to by

14. I have condescended to you with the idea that you are voting against your economic interests -- voting against your interests, as if I know your interests.

15. Indeed, I am gratified that he Condescended to address one of three seminal questions which I directed in response to his treatise on electoral systems and good governance.

16. They worked with worn-out, hand-me-down and ill-fitting men’s equipment, were Condescended to, got the worst training times on the rowing schedule, and generally weren’t encouraged.

17. As the one who was chosen to fulfill the requirements of the Atonement, Jesus Christ condescended to come to earth and be born as a helpless babe to Mary.

18. Deign, see fit, lower yourself, be courteous enough, bend, submit, stoop, unbend (informal), vouchsafe, come down off your high horse (informal), humble or demean yourself He never Condescended to notice me.

19. 2 ‘a minor official Condescended to see us’ SYNONYMS deign , stoop, descend, lower oneself, humble oneself, demean oneself, debase oneself, vouchsafe, think fit, see fit, deem it worthy of oneself, consent

20. Also we think of Jesus Christ, who condescended to come down from His Father’s presence to this earth and made the sacrifice to save the world through more severe pain than anyone else has ever endured.

21. ‘He Condescended to send something which had already appeared somewhere else.’ ‘Because of Soong's outstanding vote record in the 2000 presidential election, both he and his party members feel wronged by his having to condescend to accepting the vice presidential seat.’