Use "compliances" in a sentence

1. Acceptable level of 1 per cent of non-compliances

2. Computerised Accounts Work June 24, 2020 · CBDT has issued a notification today further extending few of the time limits of compliances under Taxation & Other Laws (Relaxation of Certain Provisions) Ordinance, 2020 as under:

3. Compliances to be undertaken upon Applicability of CSR, Permitted Sectors for CSR, Methods of Implementation of CSR Amount, Proposed Amendments under Companies Amendment Act, 2019 (yet to be notified) which explains Treatment of the unspent CSR Amount and Introduces Penal Provisions.

4. The GCAA also informed the Committee that it had conducted an inspection of aircraft of type DC 8, registration 9G-RAC operated by Airlift International and confirmed that the non-compliances identified by the United Kingdom had been addressed.