Use "complainant" in a sentence

1. The complainant accused the defendant of cheating him.

2. In all but one he found for the complainant.

3. Copy of this letter is sent to the Complainant.

4. • The complainant objected to the taping, but was offered no alternatives.

5. The complainant has been exposed to public odium, scandal and contempt.

6. The prosecution no longer has to establish that the complainant resisted.

7. The complainant had better grumble at those responsible, not at him.

8. The Complainant was informed that a new admission test will be administered.

9. The burden of proving the validity of the protest lies with complainant.

10. The burden of proof in each case shall be on the complainant.

11. No organization or individual shall suppress, retaliate against or persecute a complainant.

12. Complainant means the party initiating a complaint concerning a domain - name registration.

13. This written statement must include the following: (i) complete name of and administrative details of the complainant; (ii) a summary of the nature of the grievance; (iii) an explanation of why the complainant feels this situation has arisen; and (iv) an explanation of what the complainant wants the panel to accomplish.

14. The complainant had been granted this time off for the previous 11 years.

15. Damages may be awarded to a complainant on complaint to the county court.

16. Complainant (plural Complainants) The party that brings a civil lawsuit against another; the plaintiff

17. Nouns for complaint include complainant, complainants, complainaunt, complainaunts, complainee, complainees, complainer, complainers, complaining, Complainings

18. (e) Non-confidential version of the SO and the SSO for the complainant AMD

19. Specifically, the complainant objected to providing his postal code, telephone number and company affiliation.

20. he complainant is Mr. A.H., a citizen of Iran, currently awaiting expulsion from Sweden

21. The complainant may ask not to be named and absolute confidentiality will be maintained

22. The patient's average age was 8 years. The main complainant were dysmenorrhea and hypermenorrhea.

23. The fees for a single - member Panel shall be paid entirely by the Complainant.

24. In fact, the complainant in the case Samaraweera cites was knowledgeable about court procedure.

25. The Minister refused to refer a complaint to the committee and the complainant sought mandamus.

26. On the contrary, the complainant claimed that the level of these adjustments was excessively high

27. The Tribunal directs the Commission to help the complainant draft and file his amended complaint.

28. The complainant did not agree to provide the insurer with a list of service providers.

29. Following provisional disclosure, the complainant claimed that the provisional ad valorem duties were not effective.

30. The complainant is Mr. Dragan Dimitrijevic, a Serbian citizen of Romani origin born on # arch

31. In addition, the complainant was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder.

32. He also noted that the Commission had given the complainant relevant useful advice in this case.

33. (4) Representatives of the exporters, the complainant and one importer made their views known in writing.

34. The Commission subsequently agreed to pay the full sum claimed by the complainant, together with interest.

35. Article 7 The complainant and respondent shall bear the burden of proof for their own claims.

36. It was a condition of his bail that he should not approach Bridget Coffey, the complainant.

37. ‘In the event, no evidence was given by the complainant or the Appellant about these matters.’

38. However , the Republican complainant in the House to summon 15 people including Lewinsky to testify court.

39. In addition to his claim for lost wages, the Complainant is seeking an order from the

40. Instead, the complainant proposed to provide a bank guarantee for the amount of the advance payment.

41. The complainant also alleged that Article 15.1 of the same law authorises accelerated depreciation for capital goods.

42. The complainant was married in Romania and had a child; he also ran a successful business there.

43. Following intervention by the Commission, France amended the administrative circular which had been challenged by the complainant.

44. By a letter dated 4 March 2009 addressed to the Commission, the complainant formally withdrew its complaint.

45. (15) However, the absence of direct damage to a complainant is not grounds to dismiss a complaint.

46. In this Decision, however, the Commission has not based itself on the arguments advanced by the complainant.

47. The Commission also knew at the time that the complainant refused to accept liability for these debts.

48. In a letter dated August 2002, the complainant stands by the points made in his initial complaint.

49. The complainant alleges that "the Stocked Item Supply officer was accepting bids which were not to specification."

50. The complainant went on a two-year leave of absence without pay before resigning in June 1995.

51. In practice, of course, it would be extremely hard to establish any such unconscious desires in the complainant.

52. However, the absence of direct damage to a complainant is not grounds to dismiss a complaint. # U.S.C. § #(a

53. Both the complainant and defendant could summon witnesses who were subject to both cross - examination and re - examination.

54. The complainant had the opportunity to make submissions about the risks he would face on three separate occasions

55. [ top | index ] Satisfaction A breakdown of the level of complainant satisfaction achieved in the resolution of a complaint.

56. In addition to these probable diagnoses, Dr. Passey believes the Complainant probably suffered from Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia.

57. By a letter dated 8 July 2011 and addressed to the Commission, the complainant formally withdrew its complaint.

58. Complacences complacencies complacency (current term) complacent complacential complacently complain: complainable complainant complainants complainaunt complained complainer complainers complainest complaineth complaining

59. It advised the complainant that the final payment on her account had been incorrectly posted to another person's account.

60. In the event that we receive a complaint, we reserve the right to disclose your identity to that complainant.

61. Assize also refers to a remedy for the restitution of a freehold, of which the complainant had been disseised

62. The Commission informed the complainant that his request for reimbursement had been registered and had been assigned for action.

63. The complainant pointed out that the aid enabled winegrowers to acquire shares in local producer organisations at reduced prices.

64. The judge made it clear that he thought the complainant was the truthful witness and that the case should continue.

65. While it may not provide a specific remedy for the complainant, it can force public bodies to alter policy and procedure.

66. 30 The judge made it clear that he thought the complainant was the truthful witness and that the case should continue.

67. The complainant testified that she did not receive the bonus because, according to the respondent, she had been involved in an accident.

68. The adversarial setting of the case between the complainant Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and Intel Corporation (Intel) extends far beyond the European theatre

69. The adversarial setting of the case between the complainant Advanced Micro Devices (‘AMD’) and Intel Corporation (‘Intel’) extends far beyond the European theatre.

70. The form in question stated the cardholder's consent to be bound by an agreement, which the complainant had received on opening his account.

71. he complainant declares to have been an active member of the Azerbaijani Democratic Party (ADP), a registered opposition party to the current regime

72. available would be to tolerate absenteeism was because it assumed that the Complainant could only and would only work as a bus operator.

73. Thus, in the employment context, the complainant is expected to use reasonable diligence to seek alternative work following a denial believed to be discriminatory.

74. The fact that an employee such as the Complainant may have contracted to abide by the Respondent’s safety regulations does not assist the Respondent.

75. 1.5 However, in its opinion to the Ombudsman, with the exception of the 4 posts indicated by the complainant himself, the Commission made no reference to any particular vacant A5/A4 post out of these lists, nor gave a justification, even shortly, why the complainant could not be reinstated in one of those posts.

76. The criminal complaint filed with the Racine County DA's Office reveals the complainant to be a young girl Johnson knew well prior to the allegations.

77. Complainants A Complainant (CP) is a person who has experienced harm, or identifies as a victim or survivor of prohibited conduct under the university policies

78. Case Details for WIPO Case D2005-0658 WIPO Case Summary WIPO Case Number D2005-0658 Domain name(s) Complainant Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

79. Welcome to 23198SUPER friends entertainment platform, here is the personnel line duty room, find someone to please call 1 admission, call the complainant, call VIP suspended.

80. Yet the Complainant makes no mention of it to anyone at the time, nor does he allude to it in his remarks following his final Assessment Report.