Use "communicative" in a sentence

1. He's not very communicative.

2. I don't find Peter very communicative.

3. I don't find him very communicative.

4. The test evaluates students' communicative skills.

5. Acquisition is triggered by communicative activity.

6. She has become a lot more tolerant and communicative.

7. We have a very communicative approach to teaching languages.

8. Sentences with different structures often have different communicative functions.

9. Tom wasn't very communicative - he kept himself to himself.

10. 16 synonyms for Conversational: chatty, informal, communicative, colloquial, chatty

11. He has a headache and isn't feeling communicative today.

12. Turn-taking and interaction are among the first communicative skills.

13. It helps us to be balanced, approachable, communicative Christians—not relentless fanatics.

14. Conventionalized Language Forms and the Development of communicative Competence* Carlos A

15. The existing communicative skills of competent service providers are often underestimated.

16. He was in a bad mood at breakfast and wasn't very communicative.

17. It is the rheme that fulfils the communicative purpose of the utterance.

18. I think it might make our dear friend a bit more communicative.

19. A communicative approach, properly conceived, does not involve the rejection of grammar.

20. Being a communicator, having what Hymes calls communicative competence, involves much more.

21. Communicative Competence is a theory of the nature of such knowledge and proficiency

22. 28 The communicative ability of the whale is thought to be highly developed.

23. In the former, the student needs to partake in natural communicative situations.

24. The communicative ability of the whale is thought to be highly developed.

25. In the process of translational action, the initiator decides the communicative purpose.

26. Synonyms for "Blabbermouthed": bigmouthed; blabby; talkative; indiscreet leaky; talebearing; tattling; communicative; communicatory

27. The remaining elements complete the information and fulfil the communicative purpose of the utterance.

28. Communicative and semantive translation bifurcate at a later stage of analytical or cognitive translation.

29. Thus, it is difficult for children to relate the task to their own communicative intentions.

30. In other words, the primary communicative function of causal connectives is to signal causal direction.

31. Blabbermouthed definition: prone to communicate confidential information synonyms: leaky, communicatory, talebearing, communicative, tattling antonyms

32. Transmission resources include ad hoc hotspots formed by sideloading network users in a communicative proximity.

33. Attaining this state of mutual knowledge of a communicative intention is to have successfully communicated.

34. What made Reagan extraordinary, beyond his communicative skills, was his resolute adherence to core beliefs.

35. Contextualizing Language<br />@ Contextualization is the meaningful use of language for real communicative purposes

36. Yorio Conventionalized language forms play a significant role in the develop-ment of communicative competence

37. 5 The uttering of simple and obvious tautologies should, in principle, have absolutely no communicative import.

38. ‘Communicative Competence is a theory of the nature of such knowledge and proficiency.’ ‘The current interest in the development of communicative Competence has led attention to the social uses of language in second language teaching and research.’

39. It provides students with the language and communicative skills they will need in their professional lives.

40. 27 Thus, the construction and " the hope " of their communicative theories would become a dream of rootless " Utopia ".

41. Aliquid can WORK for YOU! We’re an affordable and communicative duo located in two countries: America and Iraq

42. But as General Grant was neither demonstrative nor communicative, he gave no expression whatever to his feelings.

43. Recent ideas about language use and learning insist on the primacy of communicative activities in the classroom.

44. I start from the assumption that we are interested in what is done in any communicative act.

45. Civility provides a "communicative form of moral conduct" that displays respect, tolerance, or Considerateness (Calhoun, 2000, p

46. Topics include social structure, cultural transmission of behavior, as well as acoustic communicative behavior such as click trains.

47. One has rarely heard him sing with more authority, and never seen him so communicative, happy and funny.

48. Professionals in the service sector with specific communicative-emotional work patterns perceived headache and migraine as typical and accepted deviations.

49. On the other hand, intelligently entertaining and communicative works provide a background from which works of genius can emerge.

50. NAGE lindberg vermin-tenanted Communicative herniated nonbeatific thor cobwebbing Beguess obvert DISCOVERING educational Dipnoi riemann hypsometric Humanity INTERCEPTED all-constant Mining

51. This versatile book combines communicative activities with information on topics as varied as national customs, food, and the generation gap.

52. A puzzle that immediately arises is how this complex reflexive communicative intention is meant to be recognized by the recipient.

53. Adjunct Professor of Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes at the Faculty of Psychology 1, " La Sapienza " University of Rome.

54. Statements, requests, promises and apologies are examples of the four major categories of communicative illocutionary acts: Constatives, directives, commissives and acknowledgments

55. A good Blog is able to marry communicative writing and expressive writing to create Blog posts that are informative and entertaining

56. 3 But not all pretended deeds have to fall short of their normal function in order to accomplish their communicative purpose.

57. Has overwhelmingly presented the benefits for [emergent bilinguals], including impactful opportunities for Agentively expressing identities, reshaping traditional classrooms, and expanding communicative repertoires

58. 27 The crucial point is that such expressions should be warranted by conceptual and communicative purposes recognized as having point in classroom activity.

59. It provides affectionate soul comfort, it provides joy and chance of man-to-man communicative dialogue, therefore it is a special spiritual compensation.

60. In particular, the effective communicative teaching has been one of the most advanced and interacted theoretical issues in the modern curriculum and didactics.

61. Articulateness: 1 n the quality of being facile in speech and writing Synonyms: fluency , volubility Type of: communicativeness the trait of being communicative

62. If you think of the four Agilities — analytical, operational, inventive, and communicative — as primary colors, [the response to] any situation is a combination of those

63. Fundamentally, Anthropomorphism is a way of relating with a non-human entity by addressing it as it were a human partner in a communicative situation

64. 4 In Genesis we find a variety of dramatis personae and a coherent system of communicative models that are represented by its speech acts performed.

65. It also casts doubt upon some specious concepts and points out that it"s not realistic to overstress communicative competence while underestimating linguistic competence."

66. Epanadiplosis is apparently a tautological way of expression with no obvious semantic content, and yet it has significant communicative value in daily verbal communication.

67. Welcome to the Brain, Language, & Acoustic Behavior (Blab) Lab! We are interested in how the brain coordinates auditory and motor signals to achieve communicative goals

68. The teaching and learning of Collocations became more prominent with the advent of approaches that favour lexis and lexicalised grammar, such as the Lexical Approach and Communicative Language Teaching.

69. Whistles – narrow-band frequency modulated (FM) signals – are used for communicative purposes, such as contact calls, the pod-specific dialects of resident Orcas, or the signature whistle of bottlenose dolphins.

70. Blabbermouthed: 1 adj unwisely talking too much Synonyms: bigmouthed , blabby , talkative indiscreet lacking discretion; injudicious adj prone to communicate confidential information Synonyms: leaky , talebearing , tattling communicative , communicatory able or tending to communicate

71. ¡Avance! offers contextualized activities that review language and foster skill development, while at the same time, preparing students to continue their Spanish major or minor coursework and for real-life communicative tasks

72. 2005, Lies Sercu and Ewa Bandura, Foreign Language Teachers and Intercultural Competence: An International Investigation: Teachers are now required to teach intercultural communicative Competence.· (countable) The quality or state of being able or suitable

73. A good Conductor is an insightful, communicative, and charismatic individual, capable of inspiring hard work and coaxing strong performances from ensemble members while also being able to verbally communicate a vast array of emotions

74. A loving and communicative parent will be aware of the “signals” given by a child who is experiencing difficulties: abrupt changes in mood and disposition, increased isolation, secretiveness and diminished communication, disturbed sleep and loss of appetite.

75. The narrative illusion introduces a “mind virus”, which is a syntactical contagion that spreads through communicative vectors and Colonizes the cognitive biases of the targeted individual’s psychology, thus transforming the mental processes of that target

76. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) has been defined by the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC): “AAC is a set of tools and strategies that an individual uses to solve everyday communicative challenges

77. This Competence, moreover, is integral with attitudes, values, and motivations concerning language, its features and uses, and integral with Competence for, and attitudes toward, the interrelation of language with the other code of communicative conduct."

78. This does not assume that learners must be Assimilatively motivated in order to.develop a high second language proficiency level, because many learners who are instrumentally motivated develop enough second language facility to satisfy communicative language function requirements

79. I know it is important for a language learner to be aware o Appropriacy, and to produce his/her communicative language with Appropriacy and corectness, my quiestion is how to teach them in my class? Please give an idea

80. In contrast to educational technology research that centers on digital tools or learning platforms, this issue focuses on learning language to use technology, that is, developing the communicative competence needed to navigate and participate Agentively in online spaces.