Use "commiserates" in a sentence

1. Related words are commiserates, commiserated, Commiserating, commiseration, commiserative, commiseratively.

2. Related words are Commiserates, Commiserated, commiserating, commiseration, commiserative, commiseratively.

3. Related words are commiserates, commiserated, commiserating, commiseration, Commiserative, Commiseratively.The word commiserate is derived from the Latin word commiseratus, meaning to pity.

4. Inflections of 'Commiserate' (v): (⇒ conjugate) Commiserates v 3rd person singular commiserating v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a singing bird," "It is singing." Commiserated