Use "commercial intercourse" in a sentence

1. 14 Our commercial intercourse with Europe has considerably developed.

2. What are another words for Boinking? Sex, sexual intercourse, intercourse

3. In view of King Solomon’s extensive commercial intercourse with other nations (1Ki 10:22, 28, 29), likely the harbor facilities at Joppa were improved.

4. Continence: abstention from sexual intercourse

5. Celibacy: abstention from sexual intercourse.

6. 10 We didn't have intercourse.

7. ‘His arrival was Coetaneous with the announcement of an important change in the commercial intercourse between England and India.’ ‘The surviving Castilian version is a Coetaneous …

8. Buggery definition: Buggery is anal intercourse

9. Not having experienced sexual intercourse; virginal.

10. Coition definition, coitus; sexual intercourse

11. Copulates: to engage in sexual intercourse.

12. In Western countries the virus is mainly spread by passive anal intercourse among homosexuals and seldom by heterosexual intercourse.

13. 22 He was unskilled in social intercourse.

14. Cornhole definition, to have anal intercourse with

15. HIV can be transmitted through sexual intercourse.

16. Copulate: to engage in sexual intercourse.

17. 10 synonyms for Coition: carnal knowledge, coitus, copulation, sex act, sexual congress, sexual intercourse, sexual relation, intercourse, relation, congress

18. 19 Our intercourse is at an end.

19. She denied having had sexual intercourse with him.

20. 16 HIV can be transmitted through sexual intercourse.

21. Chaste: Not having experienced sexual intercourse; virginal

22. Paul links loose conduct with illicit intercourse.

23. 24 The active partner in anal intercourse.

24. Pain during sexual intercourse always has psychological causes.

25. There was a reviving pleasure in this intercourse.

26. Aftercourse Post Intercourse towels - Pack of 69

27. * Pain during intercourse , bowel movements , or urination

28. 17 There was close intercourse between them.

29. 15 This industry requires wide social intercourse.

30. 5 He admitted that intercourse had taken place.

31. What, then, does promiscuous sexual intercourse really mean?

32. 3 synonyms for Buggery: anal intercourse, anal sex, sodomy

33. 23 Administrators have their own methods of social intercourse.

34. 18 There was a reviving pleasure in this intercourse.

35. 25 There was little intercourse with the Parsonage.

36. 21 I have no"theory of interspecies intercourse".

37. Rupture of the hymen , typically in sexual intercourse.

38. In India there are temples where you can see figures having homosexual intercourse, and of course those also having heterosexual intercourse.

39. I'm in the middle of intercourse with your wife.

40. 20 What, then, does promiscuous sexual intercourse really mean?

41. Commercial synonyms, Commercial pronunciation, Commercial translation, English dictionary definition of Commercial

42. Chaste definition is - innocent of unlawful sexual intercourse

43. 26 Tangles like this still interrupted their intercourse.

44. Complications of the disease include pain with intercourse, inability to have intercourse, erectile dysfunction, depression and a permanent abnormal Angulation of the penis

45. 1 ‘the banned film contained a 15-second sequence of Copulation’ SYNONYMS sex , sexual intercourse, intercourse, lovemaking, making love, sexual relations, anal …

46. 40 synonyms for Communication: contact, conversation, correspondence, intercourse, link

47. 4 He accused her of intercourse with another man.

48. 3 She denied having had sexual intercourse with him.

49. Copulate with (one) To have sexual intercourse with one

50. She never had sexual intercourse before she was married.

51. Abstinence from sexual intercourse, especially by reason of religious vows.

52. Unprotected sexual intercourse with individuals with known sexually transmitted infections.

53. 1 She never had sexual intercourse before she was married.

54. HPV infection through sexual intercourse is normally associated with cervical cancer.

55. Chancroid is mainly passed from person to person with genital contact, but can also be spread via oral intercourse, anal intercourse, and through areas of broken

56. The large majority of their participants never Climaxed during intercourse

57. 6 The judge asked if she had consented to intercourse.

58. Rape is committed where sexual intercourse takes place without consent.

59. Abstinence simply means not having sex, and refraining from sexual intercourse

60. 27 Life is a pleasant blend of work and social intercourse.

61. 11 The prosecution stated that intercourse had occurred on several occasions.

62. Bonk definition: If two people Bonk , they have sexual intercourse

63. Remember after intercourse use Aftercourse and wipe your fears away.

64. Commerce definition is - social intercourse : interchange of ideas, opinions, or sentiments

65. 12 There was social intercourse between the old and the young.

66. Under Zimbabwean law, the age of consent for sexual intercourse is 16.

67. Mature women are more likely to climax during intercourse than young girls.

68. 2 Rape is committed where sexual intercourse takes place without consent.

69. The HIV virus is transmitted though body fluids, during sexual intercourse.

70. But also should prevent pair of sexual intercourse ability commutation idolatrous.

71. A woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money Familiarity information: Bawd …

72. The female Condom can be inserted up to 8 hours before intercourse

73. Anal intercourse results in a tearing of this lining and in bleeding fissures.

74. Advantages: Safe, no harmful side effects, requires no action at time of intercourse.

75. A couple who refrain from sexual intercourse can still be guilty of fornication.

76. A man or woman of marriageable age who has never had sexual intercourse.

77. Sexual intercourse and sodomy with a person under 16 is criminal in Massachusetts.

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79. Douching after sexual intercourse is not an effective form of birth control.

80. To plateau, which is usually intercourse, but can also be more foreplay.