Use "comitia" in a sentence

1. The Assembly of the thirty-five tribes or Comitia Tributa elected two Curule Aediles annually

2. Normally there were two Consuls who were appointed each year by the comitia centuriata .

3. The two Aediles cumies, introduced in 367 (or 366) B.C., were elected by the comitia tributa for one year.

4. The two Aediles cumies, introduced in 367 (or 366) B.C., were elected by the comitia tributa for one year

5. Roman laws traditionally could only be passed by a vote of the Popular assembly (Comitia Tributa).

6. The two Aediles cumies, introduced in 367 (or 366) B.C., were elected by the comitia tributa for one year

7. This publicity may have been one of the incidents of the Testament executed in the Comitia Calata which brought it into popular disfavour.

8. One of the most remarkable peculiarities of the institutions of the Republic is also traceable to this dependance of the Quaestiones on the Comitia .

9. The praetur ( Latin praetura; also Germanized praetur) was one of the higher offices of the Roman official career, the cursus honorum (usually the third office after the bursary and Aedility).The incumbents were called praetores (Germanized: praetors, singular: praetor).They were elected for one year by the people in the comitia centuriata.