Use "coming over" in a sentence

1. Coming over here thinking they own shit.

2. Everybody face down, there are bombs coming over!

3. Now you are coming over all puritanical about nothing.

4. I can't be coming over here all the time.

5. I was coming over to apologize for my behavior.

6. Are your family coming over from Greece for the wedding?

7. What were you doing coming over to my house without calling?

8. Whereupon, lo! the animals began coming over, tumbling and falling to their deaths.

9. Now, Santa Anna's men are coming over these walls, like it or not.

10. Wind coming over the peaks can stir up rotors that'll drag you right down.

11. 13 Whereupon, lo! the animals began coming over, tumbling and falling to their deaths.

12. But the wind coming over the causeway, the salty freshness of the air, cooled his anger.

13. 25 The American trend is coming over here. Over there the whole street goes barmy at Christmas.

14. It was just like you see in the war movies: It sounded like hornets coming over your head.

15. The sentence 'Her youngest sister - the one who lives in Australia - is coming over next summer' contains a parenthesis.

16. 15 The sentence 'Her youngest sister - the one who lives in Australia - is coming over next summer' contains a parenthesis.

17. I went over to break things up... and spotted the cavalry coming over the half-way line, in the shape of O'Leary and Adams.

18. And I remember putting my blocks in and just feeling horrified because there was just this murmur coming over the crowd, like, the ones who are close enough to the starting line to see.

19. The mandapa facade has a fully represented entablature , or prastara , which constitutes all the architectural parts coming over the beam and including it , as against what is seen in the Mahendra - style cave - temples .

20. Definition of Affably : in a friendly and affable manner smiling Affably "Let me show you something," he said, Affably, coming over and taking out of his pocket a little lithographed card which had been …

21. Actor Roger Lloyd Pack said: "I feel Affronted that George Bush is coming over here, and even more Affronted that I'm not allowed to march in protest." Protesters gird their loins ahead of visit from 'war criminal' Bush; POLITICS