Use "comets" in a sentence

1. Exploring Comets

2. Orbits of several comets

3. Comets appear at predictable times.

4. Many of the famous comets are short-period comets, which orbit the Sun in less than 200 years.

5. Comets have very different values of eccentricity.

6. What does Cometary mean? Relating to comets

7. Comets differ from asteroids in composition in that comets contain abundant water ice,( and possibly other ices as well.

8. Stellar passings can perturb the orbits of comets.

9. 10 Comets, being weak,( fragment at high altitudes.

10. Scientists want to learn how comets come into being.

11. Comets have been the source of much superstition and hysteria.

12. 12 Today, astronomers espouse the theory that comets spawn the swarms.

13. The latest astronomical news from observing notes for Comets

14. Long-period comets also represent a substantial part of the solar system.

15. TESS finds planets and comets via precise measurements of the Brightnesses of stars

16. This is useful for calculating the behaviour of planets and comets and such.

17. But clustering of the orbits of comets and asteroids is a demonstrated fact.

18. Comets of ice rained down from his webbed fingers onto the ogres below.

19. Altogether, these comets have a mass some 40 times as great as earth’s.

20. Comets consist of some of the most primitive material in the solar system.

21. And they then become the comets as we see them in the sky.

22. 27 Their suggestion requires the presence of giant comets in the outer solar system.

23. Comets are cosmic snowballs of frozen gases, rock and dust that orbit the Sun

24. Deuterium fractionations in Cometary ices provide important clues to the origin and evolution of comets

25. ( Quotation from Varahamihira ' s Samhita regarding different kinds of comets , their prognostics , etc . are given .

26. The weak, fast-moving, easily Ablated comets do not penetrate the atmosphere very deeply

27. Others argue that lopsided bombardment by asteroids and comets explain our Moon's Janus-faced exterior.

28. Synonyms for Bolides include meteors, comets, fireballs, falling stars, meteorites, meteoroids, shooting stars, asteroids, buzzwords and crazes

29. Occasional visits to the inner solar system by some comets enable them to be studied up close.

30. However, the Roman philosopher Seneca thought that Comets were like the planets, though in much larger orbits.

31. Comets are cosmic snowballs of frozen gases, rock and dust roughly the size of a small town

32. Comets, or their precursors, formed in the outer Solar System, possibly millions of years before planet formation.

33. Most comets studied thus far have come from the Kuiper Belt, located in the outer solar system.

34. Only the great Edmond Halley has even speculated that comets are not singular occurrences, that they cyclically return.

35. Some comets with hyperbolic orbits may originate outside the Solar System, but determining their precise orbits is difficult.

36. The newly identified minor planets mentioned at the outset share their realm beyond Pluto with short-period comets.

37. A huge collection of long-period comets move about in the outermost parts of the solar system.

38. 25 Accurate recordings of nebulae, comets and solar protuberances now extended the iconography of the natural world.

39. In the end, Legacy is probably better for solo grinding, and dual Breeching Comets are better for raiding

40. Bilobate comets are thought to be primordial because they are rich in supervolatiles (for example, N 2 and

41. Minor planets are all small bodies in the Solar System, including dwarf planets, with the exception of comets.

42. Comets, composed of ices dust and rock, sought shelter in the Kuiper Belt, just beyond the planet Neptune.

43. Culm Valley Comets is a local league and community Basketball Club for all ages and abilities in Mid Devon.

44. Even if the comets had strengths comparable to that of stony asteroids, they still could not fit the Tunguska observations.

45. The general opinion was that comets were immaterial, spiritual portents sent by the Creator as warnings about impending momentous events.

46. This battered Porsches are a good analogue to the early Solar System, the comets and asteroids that survived the early days.

47. 19 The new data shows that many stars are rich in iron, having gobbled up large numbers of asteroids and comets.

48. Chris "Bani" Benell is a Canadian Main Support player who is currently the head coach for UT Dallas Comets

49. 23 The two comets are entirely ablated, whereas the stony objects lose most of their kinetic energy to deceleration, not ablation.

50. From the results of that mission, it became immediately clear that comets were ideal bodies to study to understand our solar system.

51. This Altered entered the scene in 1963, several years before the flip-top comets of Jack Chrisman and Don Nicholson appeared

52. 17 Comets are hunks of dirt and ice with elongated orbits that take them from the outer solar system to near the sun.

53. In the outer Solar System, comets remain frozen and are extremely difficult or impossible to detect from Earth due to their small size.

54. The two comets are entirely ablated, whereas the stony objects lose most of their kinetic energy to deceleration,[sentencedict .com] not ablation.

55. Comets are hunks of dirt and ice with elongated orbits that take them from the outer solar system to near the sun.

56. Like other Kuiper-belt objects (KBOs), Pluto shares features with comets; for example, the solar wind is gradually blowing Pluto's surface into space.

57. The composition of Cometary ices provides key information on the chemical and physical properties of the outer solar nebula where comets formed, 4.6 G.y

58. Comet Brightnesses Comets are intrinsically highly unpredictable objects, since their brightness depends on the scattering of sunlight from dust particles in the comet's coma and tail

59. For much of its apparition it occupied a unique position (among great comets) in the sky and was particularly well placed for Northern Hemisphere viewers.

60. Cometary observations have shown that there is a striking similarity between the composition of comets and the composition of the icy mantles observed on interstellar grains

61. The terms Aphelion and perihelion apply in the same way to the orbits of Jupiter and the other planets, the comets, and the asteroids of the Solar System.

62. The basic building blocks of life aren't unique to Earth: amino acids have been found in comets, complex organic molecules in interstellar dust clouds, water in exoplanetary systems.

63. The Oort cloud, which is thought to be the source for long-period comets, may also exist at a distance roughly a thousand times further than the heliosphere.

64. Asteroids and comets are considered remnants from the giant cloud of gas and dust that condensed to create the sun, planets, and moons some 4.5 billion years ago

65. Since September, Deep Impact has been stalking Hartley 2 like a paparazzo, taking images every 5 minutes and gathering data. It's the first craft to visit two comets.

66. Where do comets come from? There's a dark, cold region of the solar system where chunks of ice mixed with rock, called "Cometary nuclei," orbit the Sun

67. Several comets observed at close range have Bilobate shapes 1, including comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko (67P/C–G), which was imaged by the European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission2,3

68. Astrochemistry and Cosmochemistry are the study of the chemical elements and chemical compounds, that can be found in the outerspace, in stars, planets, comets, meteorits, interstellar matter etc

69. Methane and other Clathrates most likely formed in the solar nebula and thus played a role in the accretion of planets and satellites and probably comets (Lunine and Stevenson, 1985)

70. Comet - Comet - History: The Greek philosopher Aristotle thought that Comets were dry exhalations of Earth that caught fire high in the atmosphere or similar exhalations of the planets and stars

71. The Cockerels have a white spot on their heads. Red Stars and Golden Comets are two other breeds that are bred for this reason and for increased egg production

72. Cloning Cloud Computing Clouds Cnidarians Cold War Colons Color Columbian Exchange Comets Communism Commutative Property Comparing Prices Compass Compound Events Compounds and Mixtures Computational Thinking Computer History Computer Mouse Computer Programming

73. List of minor planets and comets visited by spacecraft Notes Photograph of the full disc of 162173 Ryugu by the Optical Navigation Camera – Telescopic (ONC-T) instrument aboard the Hayabusa2 spacecraft.

74. It is sometimes described as a “dirty snowball.” It is sometimes described as a “dirty snowball.” There are billions of Comets in the solar system , but most never pass close by Earth.

75. The scientific study of the upper atmospheric regions of the Earth and other planets, where the ionization of gas takes place. Aeronomy is also concerned with the atmospheres around comets and satellites, …

76. The Attis Crown is a Head item with a yellow moon with grayish orange shards resembling a comets tail, falling from the sky towards black rocks that sit on the wearers brow.

77. Bilobate comets are thought to be primordial because they are rich in supervolatiles (for example, N2 and CO) and have a low bulk density, which implies that their formation requires a very low

78. Complex organics including amino acids can be readily formed in laboratory-simulated interstellar/Cometary ices by UV or proton irradiation of ice mixtures that have been observed in comets and the ISM (Bernstein et al

79. Recently however, funding of projects such as the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research and Near Earth Asteroid Tracking projects has meant that most comets are now discovered by automated systems long before it is possible for amateurs to see them.

80. If the bombardment involved not only comets but also a bunch of these wet meteorites, called Carbonaceous chondrites, then the overall deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio of the water raining down from the heavens could have been about right for forming today's oceans and lakes.