Use "coconut water" in a sentence

1. God have grown bored with coconut water.

2. 2 It drinks blood coconut water and palm oil.

3. Beverages based on almond milk, oat milk, coconut water and coconut milk

4. Arabica Espresso, coconut water, some karo syrup, and 4 milliliters of patented synthetic amebic dysentery.

5. In the first stage, the seed cavities contain a thirst-quenching liquid similar to coconut water.

6. And it was a hot day and he said, "Hey, would you like some fresh coconut water?"

7. And it was a hot day and he said, " Hey, would you like some fresh coconut water? "

8. He asked if I wanted fresh coconut water; I said of course, and he pulled out his cellphone and dialled the local toddy tapper.

9. Annapurna’s Chai Golden Milk Hot Chocolate Coffee Latté Cappuccino Mocha World Chai Latté Tea Latté Cold Black Orange Mint Lavender Mint Coconut Water Lemon Ginger Drink Mango Lassi Bottled Water Tulsi Tulsi Ginger Tulsi Gota Kola Pitta Kapha Cape Nectar Rooibos Honeybush Annapurna’s