Use "coaptation" in a sentence

1. Coaptite urethral Bulking injection provides coaptation at the mid-urethra and promotes collagen development in the urethra for women who have stress urinary incontinence (SUI)

2. There are 35529 ten-letter words (page 13) coadunated coadunates coagencies coagulable coagulants coagulases coagulated coagulates coagulator coalescent coalescing coalfields coalfishes coalhouses coalifying coalitions coalmaster coalminers coanchored coannexing coappeared coaptation coarctated Coarctates coarseness coarsening coassisted coassuming coastguard coastlands coastlines …

3. Aortic dissection – Aortic dissection can result in AR by four mechanisms: dilation of the sinuses with incomplete coaptation of the leaflets at the center of the valve; involvement of a valve commissure resulting in inadequate leaflet support; direct extension of the dissection into the base of a leaflet, resulting in a flail valve leaflet