Use "coal measures" in a sentence

1. As cement, authigenic mineral or vein, dawsonite is found not only in marine dolomite and oil shale, but also in terrigenous fragmentary rock and coal measures.

2. It is often divided at about 325 million BP into Lower and Upper Carboniferous; the coal measures from which the period derives its name occurred mainly in the latter period

3. They have enabled to determine the detailed geological constitution of the alluvial plain and of the bed-rock, the hydrogeology in the alluvial deposits and in the coal measures, the geomechanical properties of the rocks and their modifications in the massives saturated with water.

4. It may have been made by either a Branchiosaurian or a microsaurian, but more probably the latter, since we do not know of any of the former animals from the Cannelton beds, or in fact from any of the Coal Measures beds excepting the Mazon Creek shales

5. The Old Red flora seems to have been prevailingly an Acrogenic flora; and yet with almost its first beginnings, -- contemporary with at least the earlier fossils of the system in Scotland, we find a true polycotyledonous tree, not lower in the scale than the araucarites of the Coal Measures, -- which in structure it greatly resembles, -- or