Use "clergies" in a sentence

1. The traditional clergy Cassock or soutane is a long garment worn by Roman Catholic priests, deacons and other clergies both as the ordinary dress and under liturgical garments, paired with a clergy shirt, a white surplice and matching band cincture

2. Exquisite Clergy Cassocks from IvyRobes The traditional clergy cassock or soutane is a long garment worn by Roman Catholic priests, deacons and other clergies both as the ordinary dress and under liturgical garments, paired with a clergy shirt, a white surplice and matching band cincture.

3. Libyan clergies denounce Blaspheming the prophet Judge Raja Pervez Akhtar acquitted Asghar of the allegation levelled under a section which forbids Blaspheming the Holy Prophet, but imprisoned him for 10 years under a section which forbids outraging religious feelings, and also imposed a fine of Rs 200,000.