Use "classical model" in a sentence

1. 17 synonyms for Archetypical: archetypal, archetypic, classic, classical, model, paradigmatic

2. Have introduced Maxwell model and Kelvin model in the classical model of viscoplasticity theory.

3. Here we present a novel classical model to describe the near-inner horizon geometry of a rotating, Accreting black hole

4. Breakage and reunion of homologous Chromosomes during meiosis are the basis for the classical model of crossing over, which results in unexpected types of

5. It is explained how the classical model of the structure of hardened Portland cement paste was deduced by T.C. Powers and coworkers from data on water vapor adsorption isotherms.

6. All friction calculations are approximations, and this measurement, which was developed in 1785 by Charles-Augustin de Coulomb as a refinement of Leonardo da Vinci's classical model, is dependent only on the