Use "classical field theory" in a sentence

1. Relationships were established with previous work in classical field theory, algebroid theory and differential geometry.

2. AMO theory includes classical, semi-classical and quantum treatments.

3. Laing rejected classical psychoanalysis just as quantum theory rejected classical physics.

4. Number theory, field theory, algebraic geometry, algebra, group theory

5. Euler Buckling Theory is the classical theory presented in textbooks and classrooms

6. What they did was to reinstate classical theory.

7. Butaccording to the classical electromagnetic theory presupposed by Bohr's theory, orbiting electrons should radiate.

8. We construct a classical solution which represents an arbitrary number of D-Branes and ghost D-Branes in the context of open string field theory

9. Einstein's new theory on optics changed classical scientific ideas about light.

10. The classical theory of Superradiance has been Summarized in this article.

11. This blends particle physics with field theory.

12. More generally, lattice gauge theory and lattice field theory are areas of study.

13. Neither Clientelism nor Shiism can be analysed using classical class system theory.

14. This is one of the main results of classical algebraic number theory.

15. Under classical contract theory, Consideration is required for a contract to be enforceable

16. The introduction of classical charges in a non-Abelian gauge theory is studied.

17. The classical motion of tachyons in a Coulomb field is discussed.

18. Indeed, what is observed is quite inexplicable on the basis of classical theory.

19. Have introduced Maxwell model and Kelvin model in the classical model of viscoplasticity theory.

20. 24 The matrix theory is presented in classical algebraic form with no recourse to the notions and nomenclature of vector space theory.

21. Newton's theory later developed into the branch of theoretical physics known as classical mechanics.

22. Papers over the next few years covered areas such as group theory, field theory, Lie rings, semigroups, Abelian groups and ring theory.

23. We use classical transport theory and take into account collisions within the relaxation time approximation.

24. The classical theory of comparative advantage is often taught as if everyone benefits from trade.

25. Secondly , according to the classical control theory , emend the system by using the computer simulation .

26. The third edition of the Feminist Theory Reader Anthologizes the important classical and contemporary works of feminist theory within a multiracial transnational framework

27. Gromov-Witten invariants have evolved together with gauge theory, quantum field theory, symplectic geometry and algebraic geometry.

28. Information theory was added to the field with a 1948 mathematical theory of communication by Claude Shannon.

29. Quantum theory and Biocentrism is a very interesting field of science

30. In addition he is concerned with anomalies in quantum field theory.

31. The mean-field theory is extended to take into account the local field fluctuations in the Gaussian approximation.

32. First, elaborate the circular wave guide and the caliber field radiation theory.

33. This scientist has put forth a new theory in his research field.

34. With Boris Feigin he determined the structure of Verma modules in the Virasoro algebra representation theory, which has applications in string theory and conformal field theory.

35. In sum, results based on classical and probabilistic test theory negate the ability assumption underlying the AST.

36. 14 It has important meaning to illustrate the signification of Chinese classical architecture at theory and practice.

37. The set algebra of the classical FS-theory and the Bellman-Zadeh decision criterion are extended accordingly.

38. Working with Hasse, he dealt with algebraic number theory and produced a script of Hassen's lecture on class-field theory.

39. The symplectic field theory as well as its subcomplexes, rational symplectic field theory and contact homology, are defined as homologies of differential algebras, which are generated by closed orbits of the Reeb vector field of a chosen contact form.

40. Class field theory is a branch of algebraic number theory which seeks to classify all the abelian extensions of a given algebraic number field, meaning Galois extensions with abelian Galois group.

41. The exchange interactions are taken into account within a mean field theory approximation.

42. This theorem is of foundational importance to the modern field of information theory.

43. That led to the development of new classical macroeconomics and the drive towards microeconomic foundations for macroeconomic theory.

44. Since the end of the 20th century, classical mechanics in physics has no longer been an independent theory.

45. The precise power formula of axial channelling radiation is obtained. The results are consistent with classical scattering theory.

46. As the representative of the school of thought that favors classical criminology, Hegel's theory of retributive punishment has a profound influence on posterity's theory of penal essence.

47. Edmonds’ Theorem on disjoint Branchings is a classical theorem in graph theory, with many distinct existing proofs (e.g

48. In the classical theory of comparative advantage, there is no role for government in determining the location of industry.

49. According to the classical control theory, this paper deals with two designs of critical statically unstable attitude control system.

50. The colour curve shows three absorption bands in agreement with the crystal field theory.

51. This entry describes the various traditions within the Behavioral perspective (classical conditioning, operant conditioning, cognitively mediated Behavioral theory, and …

52. The first part of the book centers around the fall of the Classical Theory of Concepts in the face

53. Broaden and Build Theory A theory associated with the field of positive psychology that explores the function of positive emotions in building resiliency

54. Introduction to Algorithms, the 'bible' of the field, is a comprehensive textbook covering the full spectrum of modern Algorithms: from the fastest Algorithms and data structures to polynomial-time Algorithms for seemingly intractable problems, from classical Algorithms in graph theory to special Algorithms for string matching, computational geometry, and number theory.

55. The Publications and Projects field includes information on activities that take place in addition to the classical courses.

56. Retinal vessel width measurement at Branchings using an improved electric field theory-based graph approach

57. 21 Einstein's general relativity is what is called a classical theory; that is, it does not incorporate the uncertainty principle.

58. Amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM) are the classical means to imprint information on a carrier field.

59. Classically Black Podcast centers Black voices and challenges ideas of what the field of classical music looks like

60. The mode field distribution of end - face, gotten from the experiment , is accordant with theory.

61. This chapter discusses the main points of the classical coherence theory and presents the fundamentally new relation between Brightness and coherence.

62. Lyrics to thousands of Carnatic songs, information about 1000s of ragas, composers, learning music for beginners and experts, jokes, Indian classical instruments, and simple and more advanced theory topics in South Indian classical music

63. Archaeological Theory, 2 nd Edition is the most current and comprehensive introduction to the field available

64. The term algebraic coding theory denotes the sub-field of coding theory where the properties of codes are expressed in algebraic terms and then further researched.

65. In the 1920s, classical conditioning was the emphasis of Behaviorism theory, but BF Skinner felt like the answers provided were too simplistic

66. Classical binding theory has three classes: reflexives and reciprocals (‘Anaphors’), non-reflexive pronouns (‘pronominals’), and non-pronominal or full NPs (‘r-expressions’)

67. In addition, he published important results and elegant proofs of known results in almost all branches of classical algebra and number theory.

68. Classical WETA - Classical WETA 90.9 FM offers inspiring Classical music all day, every day

69. Although string theory provides an attractive route to quantum gravity, alternatives were explored towards conformal field theories.

70. His research within the field of Functional analysis was concerned mainly with Harmonic analysis, the theory of Banach-algebras, integral representations in convex sets, and Korovkin theory.

71. Local class field theory of characteristic p>0: The module A is the separable algebraic closure of the field of formal Laurent series over a finite field, and G is the Galois group.

72. Hirschi's control theory seems also to fill an important gap that was noted earlier in relation to the original formulation of classical criminology.

73. Martin Neil Huxley (born in 1944) is a British mathematician, working in the field of analytic number theory.

74. In 1881 Oliver Heaviside replaced Maxwell's electromagnetic potential field by 'force fields' as the centrepiece of electromagnetic theory.

75. Andrew James Granville (born 7 September 1962) is a British mathematician, working in the field of number theory.

76. I want the same brilliant mind that solved the unified field theory to help me help Live Corp.

77. Amplitudes 2018 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Scattering Amplitudes are the arena where quantum field theory directly confronts experiment.

78. Karl-Henning Rehren (born 1956 in Celle) is a German physicist who focuses on algebraic quantum field theory.

79. In addition, the project team amassed important research findings, theory developments and policy-relevant knowledge in the field.

80. Another example, playing a key role in algebraic number theory, is the field Qp of p-adic numbers.