Use "claim for damages" in a sentence

1. Through representative or class actions, a group of plaintiffs collectively brings a claim for damages to court.

2. The NGO claimed the government used falsehoods against the four and filed a defamation claim for damages.

3. alternatively, refer the case back to the General Court to rule on the Appellant's claim for damages; and

4. The present claim for damages must therefore be rejected in that it is based on the alleged unlawfulness vitiating the rejection decision.

5. 21 The statute referred to relatives having a claim for damages when a person died from injuries sustained because of a negligent act.

6. If the supplementary performance fails, you have the choice to reduce the purchase price (abatement), or to cancel the contract (cancelation) and claim for damages.

7. You can take civil action for noise nuisance at common law by seeking either an injunction to restrain the defendant from continuing the nuisance and / or by issuing a claim for damages or loss .

8. ‘There is an alternative claim for damages for Anticipatory breach of contract.’ ‘The assumption has to be made that, had there been no Anticipatory breach, the defendant would have performed his legal obligation and no more.’ ‘A constructive dismissal may arise by way of an Anticipatory breach.’

9. 81 Therefore, it is appropriate to uphold the claim for damages and to order ACER to pay the applicant damages, assessed on equitable principles, of EUR 7 000, without prejudice to the measures which ACER will be required to take in consequence of the annulment of the non-renewal decision.

10. A Creditor wishing to proceed with action against the debtor or the debtor's property in a case in which the stay is in effect must get permission from the court by obtaining relief from the automatic stay or face a potential claim for damages, including costs and attorney's fees, and, in appropriate circumstances, punitive damages.