Use "claim for compensation" in a sentence

1. They disallowed our claim for compensation.

2. She is still pressing her claim for compensation.

3. His claim for compensation was upheld in court.

4. He is still pressing his claim for compensation.

5. 14 She is still pressing her claim for compensation.

6. Officials – Actions – Claim for compensation linked to an application for annulment

7. You will need to seek professional advice about your claim for compensation.

8. 27 You will need to seek professional advice about your claim for compensation.

9. The action in the main proceedings concerns a claim for compensation based on tort.

10. Officials - Actions - Prior administrative complaint - Fresh claim for compensation distinct from that claimed in complaint - Inadmissible

11. It is thus appropriate also to dismiss as manifestly inadmissible the claim for compensation made in this action.

12. The price effect may be reflected in a direct or indirect purchaser's claim for compensation of actual loss.

13. Officials – Actions – Time-limits – Claim for compensation addressed to an institution – Duty to act within a reasonable time

14. Leave Buy back Worksheet This form is intended to accompany Form CA-7, Claim for Compensation, when the employee is claiming leave Buy back

15. Work Injury Compensation Act (previously called the Workmen’s Compensation Act), which enables an employee to claim for compensation in a work-related accident regardless of their level of earnings.

16. Officials - Remuneration - Weightings - Five-yearly adjustment - Arrears of salary - Loss resulting from monetary depreciation - Claim for compensation - Unfounded in the absence of a fault on the part of the administration.

17. 78 Next, the applicant's assertion that point 2 of Addendum B to the contract was intended only to cover, up to the amount mentioned above, a claim for compensation from Consultban by the shipowner for non-performance of the contract of affreightment must be rejected.

18. Therefore, if Article 21 were interpreted as meaning that an action seeking a declaration of non-liability brought by the person allegedly responsible for damage is to be placed on the same footing as a claim for compensation made by the aggrieved party, the result would be, it is argued, that uncertainly would arise as regards determination of the court of competent jurisdiction, the right of a person with a real claim to choose the court in which to pursue it would be undermined and there would be an unjustified incentive to bring legal proceedings merely in order to secure a procedural advantage.