Use "city slicker" in a sentence

1. That city slicker was out of his element out on the farm.

2. I loved her and so did that city slicker , John Weber.

3. Her city slicker boyfriend looked pretty clumsy out here on the farm.

4. Her city slicker boyfriend looks pretty clumsy out here on the farm.

5. Sure, a city slicker looks smart as long as he stays in a place like New York.

6. Once you get accustomed to life on the range, it's hard to go back to being a city slicker.

7. 12 For Branson did not appear pompous, overbearing, practised or City-Slicker smooth in the manner of other captains of industry.

8. When a New Yorker walks past a chicken on his morning stroll, we're left to wonder which one is the real city slicker.

9. EXAMPLE: Dressed in my fancy new clothing I feel uncomfortable when I visit my relatives in the village where I was born because I feel like a city slicker.

10. On a drive in the country, a city slicker noticed a farmer lifting a pig up to an apple tree and holding the pig there as it ate one apple after another.

11. Sure, a city slicker looks smart as long as he stays in a place like New York. But you put him down on a farm and he won't do much better than a newborn baby!