Use "choosy" in a sentence

1. Like bears the world over, they're not choosy feeders.

2. To win choosy females, male Bowerbirds swagger, croon, and…decorate

3. I had to be less choosy about the type of work I would accept.

4. Learn to be thrifty, and do not be too choosy when you are looking for a job

5. Do not be too choosy, even if you have to do something menial or something that does not fulfill your ambitions.”

6. (Hebrews 10:23-25) Like young children who can be choosy about food, some may need constant encouragement to take in spiritual nourishment.

7. The sensory-bias hypothesis states that the preference for a trait evolves in a non-mating context and is then exploited by the less choosy sex in order to obtain more mating opportunities.