Use "chlorophylls" in a sentence

1. There is no interruption of the formation of the chlorophylls, carotenes and primary xanthophylls.

2. The porphyrins, chlorophylls, Bilins and related tetrapyrroles are vital for all living organisms

3. As the chlorophylls degrade, the hidden pigments of yellow xanthophylls and orange beta-carotene are revealed.

4. Chlorophyll a also transfers resonance energy in the antenna complex, ending in the reaction center where specific chlorophylls P680 and P700 are located.

5. The green algae and land plants – together known as Viridiplantae (Latin for "green plants") or Chloroplastida – are pigmented with chlorophylls a and b, but lack phycobiliproteins, and starch is accumulated inside the chloroplasts.